
Sugar Ray and Maroon5 opened for Matchbox 20 back in like 2003 or something. I was there. It was glorious.

It’s not “harming a child,” it’s “acting in a way potentially injurious to a child,” and they’re doubling up on saying resisting arrest with a child in your hands puts the child in danger.

Not to be “that guy” but only because I have this saved from my own curiosity the other day:

landfill in 6 months

student section’s Harlem Shake video

My favorite part is how the Washington Examiner felt compelled to publish this “well, actually” Op-Ed.

I am hoping it is just one person with out-of-the-gray power starring all the comments they agree with. Because I have a hard time believing there are that many people who honestly think putting your hands under a woman’s clothing without permission is just an “awkward interaction.”

come across as, at worst, awkward interactions

these accusations seem flimsy at best.

My mom has been clumping around in a newish Tuscon, and I enjoy borrowing it when I visit but I have been drooling over the Kona as a replacement for my RAV4 that is currently on its very. last. leg. Right size, right price, right style.

Yes and no - Pokémon Red was my first RPG, and it took me a TON of messy defeats to figure out that you need to grind, it took me several towns getting “stuck” to learn that you have to talk to everyone in town, and I eventually had to buy a Prima guide to figure out what the hell I was doing. 

And many places have better of them.

I was able to play a couple weeks ago, and using the special Pokéball controller made catching ‘mons really fun. It is a little weird not to have to wear down a pokémon before catching them; that’s such a distinct mechanic from GO (which I still play in/around my workplace) that it feels weird inside this more

It’s hard to tell since they’re never drawn that way. Charmander is almost always portrayed as standing taller than Bulbasaur and even with or taller than Squirtle.

Then do the dishes right away.

horribly conditioned

Last House On The Left (I think?) - yeah, that was cruel. I had no idea that scene was coming, and I was shaking for the entire rest of the movie.

Because corporate paid him to go down there, and that means he caused the network to commit a violation of campaign finance laws.

He does sell a lot of catheters.

Fox News is not going to Disney, it (and some other assets) are going to stay “Fox” (internally they call it New Fox) by being spun off during acquisition of 21st Century Fox.