June 14, 1946

Just because my degree is useless, doesn’t mean it was easy to get! Things can be difficult to obtain AND financially ruinous, i’ll have you know.

Yeah. He still gets credit for the internet boom,which was going to happen no matter who got elected that year.

You forgot Kevin Spacey and Bill Cosby.

Thank you, Sports Tomatoface.

The only reason I come to this site anymore is to read TomatoFace’s work. Everything else sucks.

I agree they are completely pointless. Because she just comes out and lies, and no one in the room has the stones to call out her non-answers. They might lose their precious access to more bullshit!

Are you?:

I’m a Yankees fan, and I don’t go all “Ayo, look at this 1946 guy talking all this shit.”

Its hard to think otherwise, especially with how Game 1 turned out (before JR’s blunder). In what other scenario would a charging call be overturned to be a block? Even with replay, that was a tough call. And i thought these things had to be “indisputable”. What i saw was the furthest thing from indisputable. For the

Okay, idiot, what’s your degree in? One of mine is in nursing, and I freakin’ assure you, not “anyone” can get it. And I’m pretty productive, as you’ll no doubt learn on your next hospital admission.

Sounds like somebody’s trying to justify dropping out of college to himself.

Serena’s a man.

Common ground. The feel-good story of 2018.

The only poster-boy I want Allen to be is one of him beaten up in a prison somewhere that says “nonces beware”.

How is shooting someone 7 times negligent homicide and not, you know, straight up homicide?

Pretty certain that he got the tattoos in prison. He was put in prison for a crime committed while he was a police officer. The chronology of that means he did not have the tattoos when hired as a police officer.

With explanations like that, he should marry Joy Reid.

So basically you got so embarrassed that you didn’t know how many points a basket was worth that you had to abandon ship and register a new burner?

8 million Obama voters switched to Trump, and not one progressive cares about why.