June 14, 1946

How is this a bad thing? Conflating praying players with those that protest the flag lends legitimacy to Kaepernick’s movement. Power in numbers, etc. If I was someone who supported Kaepernick’s protest of the flag and the country I would happily take this alleged support whether it actually existed or not.

Then do it.

“Atrocious GOP Tax Bill”

Fair point even if you’re not living it.

This is going 7 games. I’m baffled that none of you supposed sports nuts understand that.

Still kind of disappointed that 500 Days of Kristen was cut short.

Little Nicky??? LOL. Devil’s Advocate was good, but having a biblical theme doesn’t mean “catering to Christians.” Same applies to the others. Most of what you cite is rooted in the Old Testament. Christians don’t really focus on that book.

That’s because he was three feet taller and two hundred lbs heavier than the other kids. Again, all body. Always has been, always will be.

See you tomorrow!

One Canadian Dollar is only worth 77 American cents... And now they are putting tariffs on the toilet paper, gherkins, and sleeping bags we sell them - effectively just raising prices on themselves. We are right to feel sorry for them. Trudeau was a bad choice.

It was 2015. Right in the thick of impossible to remember or identify, just like a Honda Accord. Nothing flashy or new, just a solid car.

I guess my point is that generally speaking they don’t need access. There are some journos that really try to uncover truth who need and should have access. Journos working honestly. There are some journos that just mail it in for Trump no matter what. But the fat middle 80% is a relentless stream of skewed garbage.

2015 isn’t an early model. I thought Vitamix was a cool name too but I guess not. Same goes for Mogadishu Blues which seemed like it would blend right in with everyone else here but that wasn’t the case at all. That’s not just any building, that’s Trump Tower. And Tomatoface was subpoenaed by Mueller and had to move

Not a Kim K fan by any stretch of the imagination but Kanye is one of the only rap artists out there right now. Kendrick Lamar and the rest are just mindless, conformist drones capitalizing off widespread mental illness on the left. Kanye has a huge following because he’s not that. He’s not lazy and boring, hitting

The world is not as two-dimensional as some would like you to believe.

What are you guys gonna do when Trump just ends these briefings? Honestly, what is the point? Every single one goes like this:

Implying Comey et al weren’t already decidedly partisan and liberal. Excuse my LOL.

My argument, as you know, doesn’t revolve around whether their page was deleted but whether they were censored for being black conservative women. The degree to which they were censored matters little in this context. You know this. You know I am right and you cannot admit it.

You definitely do talk that way if you’re a Yankees fan.

Hollywood has always made films catering to the Christian crowd