June 14, 1946

Agree. There are credible rape allegations against him. He would be a force majeure in the #MeToo movement if the left was ever able to detach him from The Good Ole Days they still believe happened.

I never quite got into iTunes. I had a 4th Gen iPod for several years before I bought a sleek black iPod Mini and loved the products but could never get myself to use iTunes beyond uploading the 50+GB of music I had downloaded P2P.

Here’s an idea:

I do!

Also because Mike J had fifty times the talent of Lebron “All Body” James.

This is what happens when people don’t vote.

Apple is the single greatest company in the history of the world. If you go to London they will tell you that the East India Trading Company is better, and to be fair that was a very nice company for some time that served The Redcoats well. No longer, and one look around London will prove that their economic,

raising questions about how these unaccompanied minors are being treated while held in U.S. custody.

You realize this is going to go seven games right?

Would completely getting rid of Obamacare really be “awful?” The law itself doesn’t work and has made health insurance less affordable for most people. I get that Obama fans want to have some sort of legacy to cling to but the reality is that he just wasn’t a very good president. Good person? Sure. Good president? No,