


Cool! much simpler than what I expected.

Cool! much simpler than what I expected.

The wand link didn’t work for me. It returned a blank page. Do you have an image? Did it look like a giant butterfly catcher?

The wand link didn’t work for me. It returned a blank page. Do you have an image? Did it look like a giant butterfly

I think it depends on the roles available, he’s been sorta type casted, but does anyone remember My own private Idaho with River Phoenix?

Poor robot I feel like we are already discriminating against them even before they take over the world.

Argh! Didn’t even notice ...That’s probably why I failed miserably.

I expected something close to a wookie but, oh well!

“ Outbreaks often happen in institutions, such as hospitals, school cafeterias, prisons, and nursing homes, or at events with catered food.~cdc

Wishful thinking on my part.

Now playing

The problem here in nyc and with many other metro cities around the world is that nobody has really made a collection of places where one can find a free bathroom, like George Constanza has.

“Seriously, San Francisco, get some of those billionaires to stop engineering ways to make us more addicted to their products and tell them they can devise a smarter solution or pick up a pooper scooper.”

I just want him to sweat. Sweat so profusely that its visible through his suit, so profusely that his tie drips with sweat, so sweaty that there’s a puddle under his chair and leaves a stain in the rug and used as marker for future committee guest. So much sweat that removing his suit is like pealing off a scuba suit.

Now playing

These irresponsible birdmoms don’t realize that it will eventually lead to a bad habit that will turn the bird into stogie leeching scumbags.

I just wanted 45 minutes googling super finches hoping to find some kaiju Finch that perhaps had mutated after the Fukushima disaster to try and make sense of your comment and all I got was this feeder on amazon for $8.00

They channeled the inner geocities in them.

Aaand they won’t have to compensate them for second hand smoke/cancer!

I’m just glad they were able to fix the Bluetooth connectivity issues I was having. That was so annoying.