
“...showing two of the world’s most iconic urban animals engaging in a dramatic—if brief—battle to the death.”

Ive used a similar method when all services were exhausted including Facebook. I had to use email and use read reipt software to prove it was received, read and passed around to their lawyer.

Wait! Where are his pants?

Wait until your children have to, scrub their skin really hard, borrow other person’s piss and finger prints in order to compete with my children for a job.

“As the Post points out, under these new rules, the companies still aren’t required to tell users when their anonymized genetic data is used in research along with other people’s data. And customers may be left in the dark when their information is obtained by law enforcement, when gag orders are used.”

I had to get a pixel once my 6p died mysteriously. And I have to say I hate, No I DESPISE the giant 5/8" forehead and chin it has. I still wonder why it has a giant chin? There’s no button or speaker notch.... Makes the screen seem so small. Try waiting for the XL.

I wish there was a TV gone for other things such as radios, speakers and most of all people.

How else do you plan to rehabilitate them?

I have to disagree with some of the comments posted Below Mine ( I assume this post will rise to the top after EVERYONE agrees with me).

Im not sure I’m comfortable with the idea of big brother getting in the way of natural selection.

I feel your pain but if there is any consolation... Chex mix has a few tasty cheese crackers in that bag full or pretzels.

Im not one to think,

The best thing about that pleasurable powder is that later on in the day (or middle of the night while you sleep) you can find a little treat caked up under your finger nails... May taste a little blue cheesy but nevertheless yummy!

I usually just come up with a very long password, some sort of riddle mixed with l337 speak and Japanese characters that eventually my guests just don’t even bother, and instead they use their data.

Why is this here? I dont know, glitch iguess.

My heart was pounding as I was frantically going through that list hoping that Doritos and Cheetos aren’t on it.

Yeah, but can they see what I'm wearing?

Thank God!

So the lesson here is that not all ransomware is bad.