
Err... i recommend the movie, not marriage. Should have gotten the doll.

This reminded me of a,Japanese movie I saw a couple of years ago called kuki ningyo. It was so sad I decided not to get a doll and instead got married.

Now playing

Ontop of that, I recently I went ahead and installed spybot anti beacon for more security. Seems to help.

What would steve do.

Duh, I meant environmental.

Oh fuck. Not the pabst!

I for one I’m glad we as Americans are able to do things bigger than anyone, including natural disasters.

Today I experienced my own horror, something I have not seen since...I dunno.

That dude, with the hockey stick.

The before and after comparison remind me if the comparisons in pimple cream commercials. The former is dull, sad, boring and the latter is fun and colorful. It’s kinda unfair.

Well, is there a Taiwanese cgi version available?

What about Daryl? Whom does he hook up with? And When?

I’ve been wanting to try a win phone for some time, I think this might be it. I may try this... unless something better comes along and cheaper.

Trump calls on who? His supporters? Bwahahaha.

My teeth hurt just thinking about it.

Is it safe?

Possibly a fine... or water board them.

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I got yo back apple, just not your device, but still.

I can already see the future will be like logans run.