
That answered a question I had when I was in 5th grade.

I want one. I hope the wife understands.

So... if a person, a man person to be exact, masturbates several times a day, is it safe to say that due to this self gratification “he” is producing more damaged sperm or is it the opposite, or about the same? Should “he” just leave it alone, and let the sperm rest inside for a while?

Ok read my mind, but don’t complain after every thought it’s abruptly interrupted by NSFW stuff.

Cant wait for the basquiat room. Also can you smoke weed in it? If not nevermind.

Have you tried blender?

How does this compare to blender, or unity even? Has anyone had the pleasure of trying it out?

“in this country I’m the son of a billionaire, I can’t even have an opinion anymore,’ Trump Jr. said”

What if, we lose one of these to the cochroach insurgents we’re dealing with here in nyc?

But then he would have to pee, and that would be a lot of pee, because as you know the body hates coors, and that would leave little time to uber.

Is it possible to make some sort of deal with local establishments and have that thing pick up some pizza and beer?

Is it possible to make some sort of deal with local establishments and have that thing pick up some pizza and beer?

What do you get if you vote for bernie? A date? A one hit wonder? What do I get?

You know I’ve seen/lived in similar places like these that have semi private rooftops with foliage, and very few ppl use it unless they need to get high or show a date the view, but other than that you get that creepy feeling as if someone is staring right at you. Penetrating your soul...

Yeah and here I am thinking it was the cilantro from Mexico. Trump was right... its not the cilantro is the people. The cilantro is made with Mexican ppl and we are eating it.

Fun fact: haven’t you ever noticed the ammount of spit on the glass as you order?

“Correction: This article originally identified the airline in question as Turkish Airlines. The suicide bomber had originally booked a Turkish Airlines ticket but that flight was canceled and he boarded a Daallo Airlines flight. Gizmodo regrets the error.”

Yeah fuck em all.

Pour! I mean pour! Darn it.

Pour* stupid Korean phone.

Wish we could pour cement on all our problems.