
Add some spice and you have tantan men. Yummy.

You tell me then where I can buy my TOTO Japanese toilet, get it within a week (usps sucks), and save on shipping.

I have to type the name of the person who referred me to the App... Can I put your name down?... Adam?

Maybe some of those woman were just browsing, trying to see if they catch their hubbys with the hand in the you know what. That’s prob why they didn’t interact and prob had fake accounts.

Looks like a forever alone bag.

Now playing

The comando, nuff said.

The comando, nuff said.

To think there are hundreds and thousands of dickheads like these entering the world.

Looks like the first periscope phone! :+D

Didn’t winamp do this back in the day?

Thank you for correcting me.

I like the way you think my friend.

Now playing

And to think, how cute he was a few years ago when was a baby.

All those hps and metal halides to grow lettuce...

“windows shattered and a lot of people who were inside were hurt and came running out, bleeding,” 27-year-old Huang Shiting”

Somethings I will not leave up to technology to handle for me. Seriously how fucking lazy you have to be that you can’t push a stroller... It has wheels.

Meawhile in new York all I experienced was the smell of a burning building and several helicopters.

After reading this I imagined a movie were an important person is tracked and killed by their lost or stolen wrist band during a hospital visit.

“Apple Pay’s fingerprint authentication is already miles better than the laughable magnetic strip on our credit cards. But to try and create the”

I had sex in a NYC taxi so take that gawker.