
Humans! It's whats for dinner!

No wonder he resigned. Imagine how much money this high security level employee made from that generous Nigerian Prince after he gave him his bank account info.

"the law has been expanded to include electronic mapping data—which means that Google, for instance, cannot process South Korean mapping data on its servers and therefore cannot offer driving directions inside the country."

The naked cowboy laughs at your winter.

I welcome the new iPhone size( just don't make it too big plz). After using a note 3, my eyes get crossed looking at my iPhones.

Maybe that's part of the whole plan.
Remember how win8 HE shipped without media center? I nearly had a heart attack.
They wanted me to buy the update so I could download something I've been using for ages. Oh He'll No mofo.

Windows 8 is awright, I mean you can customize it, but who the darn he'll has time to that? AMIRITE?
So what if I'm one of the few organisms in the planet who insists on modifying it to my liking instead of just accepting what the MAN gives me. YALLHEARME?

When I read "BEST", I thought perhaps they offered 401k or good health benefits and vacations.

I have several email addresses
Which help me break down people into categories:

Great! Thank you very much.


After seeing this, I miss the fun stupid shit I used to do when I was a skater.

Oh snap!

I was wondering same thing.

My balls hurt from watching this atomic wedgi contraption.

That Nokia and MotoX phone are depressing to look at. So F'ing ugly, they look so outdated. Does anyone think of the basic aesthetic design principles before cramming microchips, big cameras and big screens in to a boring plastic shell? I mean look at those things, just look at them!


For a second I thought that was what hes was doing... you know going to the bathroom.

Fuck that shit, just build a Giant Robot!