
Serena Williams?!

This will be interesting for my husband - he has been the stay at home parent for 14 years (our girls are 15 and 14 now). He essentially missed technology - email, computers, etc. While he isn’t a complete Luddite, he struggles, and using devices is not his favorite thing. Employable skills! While we don’t necessarily

Love in the Time of Cholera. Lyrical AND epic!

Oh the Places You’ll Go is a show stopper at any going away party when a colleague takes a new position, graduation, etc.

+1...Clever old you!

Dang, this makes Kris Humphries look downright dignified.

Don't forget that phase he goes through when he raids Steve Urkel's wardrobe.

Gates is amazing. Imagine if his current work licks malaria...to have the impact on the world he had in his primary career, and then the ability to further change the world in a completely different manner if he is successful with his foundations work on vaccinations and other health tech endeavors. Who does that?

Just imagine - Paul Newman's Foundation just hit $300 million. He's been cited as the most generous individual of the 20th century...relative to his income.

Now playing

Love Florence. Love The Machine. Love a cover that is better than the original.

drops mic

Lightening in a bottle.

Keep going!

The first amendment applies to US government interference. Clearly Sir Charles is British.

Yo, 'Tip, man, you got what you need?

Tate. Our short, short-list boy's name. We had two girls and never got to use it.

'Who put this thing together? Me, that's who. Who do I trust? Who do I trust? Me, that's who.'