
Yeah, fuck those assholes who played games as kids and found a way to express themselves in a society that didn't accept them for who they are. Those pricks shouldn't talk about what gaming means to them and how it impacted their lives so that other people who might have experienced similar things can relate.

It's much easier to not have your sexual or gender identity be a large part of who you are when it's the accepted identity in society. When you see yourself represented in nearly every piece of media. We aren't reducing our identities down to purely LGBTQ - but it is important to us and it influences how we see the

Somewhere in Seattle a thousand Sonic fans just cancelled their subscription to O Magazine.


I'm glad to see you fetishize black men. Good luck with that.

Your fetishization is disgusting.

Oh, honey.

I never learned about her in my history textbook.

My doctor is consistently amazed at how healthy I am, actually. Does your doctor talk to you about all the internet comments you leave? Seriously, this is all I ever see you do.

It's not his "personal property." He's part of the NBA which is an organization of 30 owners. If they want to boot him out they should be able to.

never not funny.

... vulture blowjobs?

Really, the duck one is the one that got to me. Probably bc ducks have one of the nastiest penis situations of all time. OF ALL TIME.

You prefer stalking someone because this tread doesnt show up on the site and you have to click directly to it. A bunch of crazy stalking pychos all of you are. What a bunch of pathetic losers

When they perform masculinity while maintaining their femininity performances as well. You can love football and drinking beer and "being one of the guys" so long as you are also pretty and extremely femme.. in fact, one probably has to maintain an even higher level of feminine performance to offset the "masculine"

This is yet another example of why conservatives need to be divested of their wealth and positions of prominence. Yes, Sterling is openly racist, but even milder versions of Sterling (e.g. someone who denies climate change is real, or supports the horrible bigotry known as "traditional marriage", or defends hate

The good that our military does, and I'm not denying that it does good things, does not cancel out the war crimes that our government has committed, nor does it justify the torture, nor the thousands of innocent civilians lost.

The military and our government have serious issues, issue that are costing thousands of

When you blow the whistle on war crimes in this country, assholes call you traitor.