I love your name
I love your name
Go fetishize a chainsaw to your arsehole,
As if Americans give a shit. They are too busy thinking about the next iphone!
Jenny Mccarthy should have her kids taken into states custody. She is a threat to their health. Fuck anyone against baby showers for men, THE MAN IS THE FATHER AND YOU ARE NOT THE VIRGIN FUCKING MARY
This is all okay. According to whitey germanbritish white persons, they all are like 0.00000000003 Cherokee so its totes okay!
This is a christian college, misogyny and supporting rapists is expected.
dafuq did i just read
I guess because a black person held positions of power in some places in the world in the 1700's then slavery did not happen. Nice logic you got there
So your step-aunt works 24 hours a day and earns 23 dollars per hour
This old fuck needs someone to beat the following into him
You can not cure stupid
Someone need to read up
Sterling is the employee of these players. without them he makes no money. There are plenty of rich people out there willing to own a NBA team, there are not any other players outthere that can play like Chris Paul or Blake Griffin
politically incorrect is a made up term by racists, homophones, sexists, and bigots.
This would be glorious
The NBA owns the rights to the clippers. He is mearly a renter
He has a storied history of action
A misogynist always blame the woman