Julius Kassendorf

I saw white people…

Albeit, a far more entertaining level than The Shining mini series and Dreamcatcher.

"he’s yet to have the truly terrible movie or TV adaptation"

They wasted him in that film. I much prefer him (or, rather, his voice) in Motivational Growth.

You liked Would You Rather?

This was the inverse bookend to the death announcement episode, and mirrored it quite well. In the episode they killed Mrs Walowitz, all of the characters were involved in petty battles that just stopped at the moment Howard finds out that his mom died.

Hell, if you're a human being, it's easy to see why they're fighting. Sheldon doesn't want to get in trouble, and Leonard wants credit for a published theory.

Bitch, please. Is it my fault that I'm sick of seeing my race depicted as illegal immigrants, housekeepers, or migrant workers waiting for a magical white person to save them?

State run? Please…talk about creating straw men.

Everything's political. Get the fuck out of here with that "it's not people's experience" bullshit. And doubly so with the we're doing it for ourselves bullshit. And triply so with the white people who control the media don't owe us shit routine.

It's better than saying it's just a bunch of white people looking for shit to be offended by on your and my behalf.

Considering it was a black woman that wrote the first widespread piece about the scene in question, I'd say slow your robe a bit.

People who leave their TV on while getting stoned watching South Park reruns and waiting for the Daily Show.

Also, you proposed to speak for me in that erroneous sentence with the word Your.

I grew tired of you when you copy pasted the same erroneous sentence in two different responses.

My using us is totally ironically fallacious. But intelligence, reason, and irony is lost on you.

Nope. Copy pasting your points does not make you any more right.

She also didn't say that it's time to stop fighting for your causes. She never (NEVER!) said that.

And, you're not speaking for all of us when you read too much into things. Just as a reminder, when you say us, you're speaking for yourself. Not for all minorities or queer people. Your using us is fallacious.

It's time to fight for everything now.