Julius Kassendorf

Please tell me they pronounce Versailles as Ver-Sayce.

I must have been so excited for his moving out that I blocked out his return.

Yeah, she just kind of sidled in. She had her own bedroom in Screens though.

The new baby is going to be resident #9 under one roof (2 grandparents, 2 parents, and 5 kids). Johan would have made 10. We're currently at late series Full House numbers (3 daughters, 3 dudes, Jesse's wife, and Jesse's twins).

That makes more sense. And I'm kind of happy Johan isn't back to stay because he wasn't my favorite addition to the show, though sometimes he provided a decent alternate perspective.

It's not just Bow's pregnancy that signals the episodes airing out of order, but didn't Johan move out last month?

Good. I like the series, and I'm just old and crotchety after having watched numerous good series die after having their time slot juggled around like a hot potato or having episodes ran out of order (*ahem*Firefly*ahem*…told you I was old).

Oh. Was there another sportsball something or other? No wonder I was lost. The beauty of the DVR is that the networks can juggle schedules all they want and it will grab the new episode. And then I look at the DVR am like "What's this? I watched last week's episode!"

Is FOX trying to kill the series? There have been 2 Sunday night episodes and 3 Tuesday episodes in 17 days, alternating time slots so rapidly that only the devoted can keep track. The episodes are airing out of order for some reason.

I thought it was getting worse. The other night (last night?), Trevor Noah had a sixth grade Civics lesson on the Electoral College without saying anything interesting, funny, or new.

Member when President Bill Clinton was declaring war and Sheila shoved him aside on live television? That was fantastic.

Post election, the first half of the season took on a harrowing dread that makes the laughs darker, more desperate, and frankly far deeper. The first half became a better series in retrospect; darker than I bet even Parker and Stone intended.

This would have been a great opportunity for a 13-episode split season, ending with the election/Oh Jeez, and then picking up in February once they saw what the fallout was going to be.

Yeah. He was just a troll. You know, even a Scooby Doo ending where he was revealed to be Hillary in disguise using TrollTrace to exact vengeance on trolls for costing her the election would have been more satisfying.

I honestly wouldn't have minded a final three episodes where the women go on a holy war founded by TrollTrace, and the two Bills are publically strung up by the opposition. The show could end in the middle of a war leaving a major season cliffhanger. The whole SpaceX thing ended up taking so much space…

Where the hell did Hillary go?

Oooo. I got that one. I think Rock the Kasbah is one of the best movies of last year for almost exactly the same reasons that Rabin and everybody else hate it. I just think its failures are intentional.

I think adult is ~25-40, middle age is like 40-55, old is 55-70, and elderly is 70+.

The Legend of Titanic.

Mr. Rights were in decline long before Finding Mr. Right.