
So glad my celebrity pass is still on the market

Damn, my celebrity pass is off the market :/ What can I say, he makes me laugh

But can we see the shoes please?

I jusy looked up the Magdalen homes, gut-wrenching stuff.

All Tillies aside, I really appreciate the well-thought out tone of this entire article. Also thank you for touching on the de-humanization of everyone that HAS to have contact with the prison system. The impersonal way visitors are treated like shit, for example, what are you going to do, leave a bad Yelp review?

Eyebrows. White blond eyebrows. I’m lucky to manage a dusty looking streak....

Parochial-school mom totally says I could rock this

I pre-reserved at the library when I heard it was coming out - oops, it's here! Gotta run!

My dog wakes me up from nightmares, I wouldn't be without her

Dude really knows how to up the ante