
What is this amazing world of which you speak?

Awesome mental image.

1994 or thereabouts. My 22 year old had a mild case as toddler and my 20 year old son got the vaccine.

Ooooh, citation requested!

We see that in Texas every few years. Some new batshit goober in the Texas house introduces a bill that the Soopreme Court can't invalidate any Texas laws. Also tried recently in Tennessee or Kentucky or some other Jebus-crazy bucktoothed territory.

I'm gonna be Judgy McJudgerson and condemn him ruthlessly, as $20K would do a lot for his kids.

She didn't get up, but had a plate in front of her with lettuce and icky purple things covered in ranch. Never saw her eat. I suspect 200 cigarettes a day cut her appetite.


Trust me, those dudes are out there. I'm fat and old and still get the occasional cow eyes of adoration that absolutely skeeve me out.

Ohhhh. Crap. I guess I'm getting one this afternoon. For some reason I wasn't making the connection that I could easily make babbies and old people deathly ill. I feel like a selfish asshole now.

Nope. We still love our babies.

I love you.

I love Mark, but lately I've been doing the shudder/shake/look away whenever I see that he has submitted a visual aid. Mark, you can be so grooooooosss.

I would love Whataburger for xmas. I consider that tasty, tasty giant A-1 burger very festive.

Absolutely. I work with my husband in a law office, and the times I remember how much I love him is when he kicks out potential clients who are nasty to our staff. My assistant of 15 years is super polite and meek and will put up with just about anything, but we don't. If they won't give out necessary information, my

Really? What companies?

I am so sorry. A good friend of mine lost her mom before the holidays a few years ago, and the family just skipped Christmas. No presents, decorating or anything - I think they went on a cruise to Alaska. She said it was an enormous relief.

What, you haven't had cookies with cut-up orange jelly slices? Big in the Midwest when I was growing up, although not in my family, thank god. Generally made by those people who used rancid shortening or lard in their baking.

It's true that we use too much. I tend to use about 1/2 the recommended dose, as you end up with soap residue with more. (If you see suds when you rinse a second time, you're using too much.) However, I stick with Cheer and Tide.