
I 100% do not think this is a joke and I have not for a real long time, this shit is fucking terrifying

Great. All of this is just great.

You tried Anderson. Sometimes there’s no reasoning with children.

First the GOP is simply “Not Obama”. Now they’ve moved onto “Not Trump”.

Meanwhile, here in Canada, we’ll still have the Trudeau’s.

Eh... yeah. Ditto. I literally just graphed out my sleep earlier today. 5.9 average.

Yeah I figure my body knows best how much sleep it needs, and as long as I don’t have any physical or psychological health issues and can focus my attention enough to get my work done, read a couple of books a week and go on daily 2 hour runs with my dog without feeling miserable, I’ll just trust its judgment and

Weird, I sleep almost exactly 6 hours every night and wake up automatically without alarm.. I don’t really see how I could force myself to sleep any longer than that. I only sleep longer when I’m sick or when I’ve had some alcohol before going to bed, and in those instances, sleeping up to 8 hours doesn’t make me feel

I just realized one day...Man, all you ever do is bring me down.

I’m already alone.

I never thought I’d get married because a.) a lot of the married people around me - who seemed perfectly happy - had marriages I wasn’t interested in and b.) each time I imagined being married to anyone I was seriously dating I’d basically have a full-blown panic attack.

I got married at 27. Still married at 35, but it’s on its last legs. I am struggling with the idea of not having this person in my life who I’ve grown up with for the past 15 years, but a lot of this discussion rings true for me.

True story.

Kelloggs was incredibly lucky to be so loved, and luckier still that your pen bleeds so artfully for him.

This made me ugly cry.

Tomorrow AM I am putting my 19 year old cat to sleep. He’s been sick for almost a year, and lately he has gotten so much worse. I’ve been looking for any excuse to not go though with it, but his pain is getting harder for him to hide and it’s time. I’ve had him all of my adult life and he has