
Companies can produce very realistic looking documents, with balance sheets and charts and graphs that show how much money they’re going to make with a particular business venture. They can’t guarentee a certain amount, because they can’t predict the future. Part of what happened with the Mike Milken (going way back

not working to elect Trump, working against Hillary

Spoiler alert (not) much? I’m watching on Netflix and haven’t seen Season 6 and just started Atkins and don’t usually write irate comments because if you can’t say something informative or nice... but jebus fucking Christ

All the Oceans for several of the men - George Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt...

I’m 3 for 4 - pre-existing, mental health and 57 years old. My age is that sweet spot of desperately hard to find a job and too young to be eligible for Medicare (or did they wreck that too? Why haven’t they fucked Medicare?) Why are they filled with so much hate - for people, the environment, well I guess those the

I don’t understand. It isn’t funny to me. The guys who tried to organize it weren’t just bad at it, they appear to have done absolutely nothing to plan for the weekends, except find a completely useless location, and hire some bands, and cash people’s checks. They set up some tents and bought booze. There was no food

Tears are pouring out of my eyes. This is why I read the internet. Thank you thank you thank you for posting.

Ladies above, please go march for something, it’s Hollywood movie and it’s Goldie Hawn and WTF do you expect, I’m a woman and I’ve marched and demonstrated and I’m going with my daughter on Mother’s Day and we’re going to Cheesecake Factory afterwards and then maybe Urban Outfitters. FTW.

Kids, any time you buy anything you are engaging in a contract with the seller. This contract entitles the seller to anything the seller decides is fair, including, if there is arbitration, you use their judges. Corporations have all the power. The information is not even buried that deep into an airplane ticket, a

Who saw the next headline?

If they were smart...

What is this “Gawker”you speak of?

What is this “Gawker”you speak of?

Which ONE of you is going to get off your ass and demonstrate or go to a town meeting or send ONE postcard or call your state representative or get elected to your town council or do ANYTHING except write a reply. Do it. I have done it and it’s exhilarating.

Yes, that’s the first thing I thought upon seeing the young man’s picture, without any context. He looks like a skinnier, deranged James Taylor.

Hang in there! You can do it!


I think it works until it doesn’t, but a serious warning here, you are headed for trouble. I would suggest you talk to a therapist or counselor, soon. I was very functional and it was only after several months sober I remembered that I was planning to kill myself within a few weeks. I know that sounds weird, but when

I’m so sorry for you. I have struggled with this for a long time, off and on, with different mental health issues. Basically I dicked around with my “projected salary” on the ACA web site until I found a plan I could afford. It will bite me in the ass come tax time, but right now I pay $3o/month for insurance with a

would that i had more stars to give for this glorious gif

All the comments are so wonderful it makes me miss Gaw*er because there’s some real issues we could be discussing and dissecting. But maybe tonight’s the night to focus on Meghan Trainor instead of watching the world tilting on its axis about to spin off into the unknown dark.