Julie Christie

What’s your point?

Wow, so making fun of birth defects is totally and 100% OK because one person who had a birth defect turned out to be a mass murderer. Lets go make fun of some downs syndrome kids and kids with cleft palates. My son had hypospadius and had to have surgery for it at six months old. Its not so funny when you’re sitting

What I usually do: Saute the liver over low to medium heat with some shallot, salt and pepper (preferably in the duck fat, but you can’t go wrong with butter or bacon fat). Hit with some congac and flambé to impress the kids. Puree with some green peppercorns. Spread on stuff.

TBH I would be disappointed if it didn’t feel like a low budget commercial for tequila mixer.

Yeah, either this is rape and it is bad and we should speak about it with some sense of seriousness or it is a famous rockstar banging a groupie and snark away. Since imo, it is the former, they should probably write it as such.

I have a hard time on a feminist blog finding a way to be anything but Team Taylor on this one. She may have an incredibly planned public persona and is annoyingly twee (can we PLEASE retire #squadgoals forever ??), but Kanye is the literal worst.

Not really. It’s another woman telling other women what we should all want.

Whew! Was worried I was going to have to actually read this entire article.

I want to make out with that sentence.


The whole thing is magical.

A giant NO to this: “others make the argument that a black American woman appropriating from Indian culture has less impact than a white woman doing the same”. When a black/Latinx/Native or any variety of POC asks me “are you dot or feather” or “why are you eating beef” or “explain reincarnation to me,” it is no less

I am *cringing* watching this shit. Just when I thought I couldn’t hate Coldplay anymore.

Love on the Brain just about knocked me over. What a jam.

Love on the Brain giving me chills it’s so good.

I was thinking that was the best tweet ever.

I think Bohemian Rhapsody is the Bohemian Rhapsody for EVERY generation.

What a bizarre thing to write.