Julie Christie

Because this post is broadly discussing a controversy that blew up weeks ago, that all of us have had time to sit with and digest, and for me, that was a leading fallacy to emerge from that conversation. I didn’t accuse Kara or Coates of saying anything like that, although if I remember correctly, Jezebel extensively

I don’t see what that has to do with what I said. See paragraph 3.

My only gripe with criticism of this film is the outrage that the project happened over the objections of Simone’s family. To me that’s irrelevant and dangerous as a precedent to establish.

One of my favorite tweets of all time:

“These chaste twins.”

As a longtime fan of MHP and #nerdland, this all disappoints me so much.

Get over yourself, Jezebel. Sony is doing the right thing. There’s no need to dismiss it as a spineless PR move. It’s easy for an armchair observer to say what they’d do when they have nothing (ethically or financially) on the line to make the call.

She seems nice, is what I mean. And I do think there can be distance between who she is as a REAL person and the image she projects. I guess I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt that she’d be a polite dinner guest and fine to share an UberPool with.

“I don’t want her to grow up in a world where she is made to feel less-than for embracing everything it means to be a woman.”

What do you have planned for your next bizarre sexnegative Hitler exposé, Joanna? Laughs and ridicule at the expense of which law abiding group of non-genocidal maniacs?

Is the expectation that Uber should act as an intermediary between assault victims and law enforcement? That seems like an unreasonable ask.

“Get ready to cry?” Are you fucking kidding? I sure as hell won’t get ready to cry about anything TLC puts on the TV. In the erosion-of-modern-media stakes that would be like asking us to “awwwww” at something cute Sean Hannity’s baby does. Why are you (literally) promoting TLC, Jezebel?

Macklemore really can’t win, can he?

I’m glad she’s secure enough in her talent and success to talk shit about David O. Russell. Five Oscar nominations deep, what does she have to lose? Adams has always seemed painfully sensitive, and I have to admit I’m not that impressed with her acting since Junebug. That combination of “basket case” and “overrated”

Let’s forget her and think of my favorite Oklahoman, who wore a version of that hairstyle more beautifully than Rep. Ann Coody ever could.

I wonder how FTM transmen were counted.

That’s an asshole comment that doesn’t take my point (or Fey’s point) into account at all. If you think a blank check cable sketch show is “enough” for the highest-achieving woman in comedy right now (compared to the resources given to men to make big, dumb movies) then you’re exactly the kind of person who’d ask Tina

I’ve gotten really into Amy Schumer recently. I can’t remember if that’s a good thing or bad thing on Jezebel. Anyway, her sketch comedy show is full of ideas that could and would be broken out into feature films if a man were behind them. She spends four minutes exploring things a man would be given two hours and

RE: Bethenny’s hair. For a moment, never mind that she’s a goddess whose Authors@Google talk I listen to every time I’m on the brink of a panic attack.

Weird. $65k seems too high and $2.5k seems too low. My guess would be $10k-15k, final answer.