Julie Christie

I hate to be this guy but...it’s Colombia (the country), not Columbia (the university)

*hyperbole free

Nicki minaj: good

Zoe Kravitz has done exactly zero.

I have a food addiction...and it’s killing me. So all the hugs to you that you overcame your addiction (not that I’m placing food and alcohol on the same level).

Seriously proud of you! Especially because it's been years. You are brave, strong and focused.

I applaud you for getting sober. Also, great way to explain things to people asking the difference. I hope things are well and happy for you now.

“Always, we are worried about his safety. There’s been conversations about that. The stories are exaggerated about this.”

I actually am all for it too. I don’t think they ever really got over one another, and it’ll take them both off the dating market so they can’t ruin anyone else.

I would pay money to see T-Swizzle cover “Goodbye Earl”. The Internet exploding would be worth the price of admission.

Wait, is something going on with Bill Cosby? The television and jello star? I consider myself fairly up to date with current events, but I haven’t heard a thing.

Why is everyone so shocked that Ford was hot 30 years ago?

Throughout the 90s, I had tickets to shows on three different Janet Jackson tours. I never saw a single show because she cancelled all three. I’ll never buy a ticket to a Janet Jackson show again...not that she does anything worth seeing anymore.

amen. preach sister christian.

Amen, yes yes yes.......All theses annoying nobodies and tired wannabees who bow down to queen M and follow her and break their hips and cancel tours and play half empty arena or highschool gyms.....fuck these losers MADONNA IS THE QUEEN AND HAS BEEN FOR 30 YEARS.......The rest of tired wannabes just follow......

It’s lonely at the top—but it ain’t crowded.

love the passion...keeping on rocking in the free world!

i’m going with low ticket sales

I have to agree with you on this one. I was a fucking asshole when I was a teenager, because my parents wouldn’t let me do exactly what I wanted all the time. And guess what? They were totally in the right to not let me do so. If they had, I’m sure I would have long been dead by now.

I think the boy could probably use a break from Madonna, as I have no doubt her gargantuan celebrity persona (to say nothing of the demands of her tour) could easily steamroller a kid’s emerging, independent personality.