Julie Christie

You just made Rita Ora’s year. She’ll probably print this out and frame it.


Rita who?

Thankfully your opinion is irrelevant.

Hmm. Well I guess if she says no it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen. I look forward to Robin Wright’s deposition.

Looking the part is whatever. Angela Bassett didn’t look jack shit like Tina Turner and she managed to bring it. I’mma let Natalie chill.

love that

I don’t find it body-shaming or offensive as some other posters. I simply find it tacky and ugly.

Nope - he can flood my guts. I won’t even keep a condom in the same room.
“Make me pregnant daddy”

I saw him on tv the other day and thought “who the hell is that hot dude?”

Whispers *I wrote Paul Ryan erotica.*

Humans differ from dogs in that they have a regular ovulation cycle. Dogs only ovulate 1-3 times a year, and predicting it is more difficult. Their hormonal changes around their ovulation are also different. So actually getting the ova is more challenging, and then having the receiving females ready.