
My mom, again back in the 80s, thought it was.

Yes, you are correct, I am tired and misspoke. Chef’s knife all the way! though I would love to quarter a whole chicken!

my husband only eat sandwiches on kaiser rolls, almost every day of his life. A bread knife was the only item he really wanted to register for.

even if you are just slicing kaiser rolls in halve a good bread knife is totally worth it.

yo, people who are bland af can have happy relationships too.

They also wanted you to bring your newborn into them immediately....who takes a tiny baby to a chiropractor???

yo, those essential oils are so expensive

yeah, I had food poisoning once and it meant I shit pure water every time I ate for 10 days straight.

I went to a chiropractor when I was pregnant. He did a good job of relieving my pain and never pushed shit on me....another one in town I looked up makes you pledge to a paleo diet in order to be his patient however.

The movie Signs was filmed in my town, I wear that like a badge of honor.

I went to a spring training game two weeks ago. Domestics were $8.75 at the Port Charlotte Sports Complex...

so they do well with the pooch? I should try a pair on

I think its fantastic to rely on your cities (or states) to be the leaders in progressive legislation but the state I live in, Pennsylvania, is trying to pass a law to affectively have the state overturn all progressive local laws so that major blue spots like Philadelphia are hamstrung when they want to do things

yes, partition worked very well.

Yes, telling people to uproots their lives, jobs, family support because people who live in their state voted shitty is good advice.

Here’s a head scratcher, you can live in a progressive area in a “red state” I live in Philadelphia area, only 65 miles south of NYC and I’m in a red state.

Except for all of us in “red states” who didn’t fucking vote for it. Punishing us for where we live makes zero sense.

Yeah I’m 5'4 and a size 12, she’s bigger than me

Honestly, it hasn’t been so hard for me, we had a couple weeks about 2 months ago where things were fraught but its felt pretty natural.

I am a breastfeeding mom too so I couldn’t take off from that.