
good advice for the ladies as well

Good luck...I never vomitted just felt continuously nauseous for 5 weeks....


Does weed do anything for morning sickness though? It never even occurred to me it might help. I drank Ginger Beer na like a mofo though....and no longer can stomach the stuff.

Thankfully my parents opted for “grandmom and grandpop” His parents opters for “bubbe, grandpop Joe and nonno John”

or just “pap”

yes always


There are three of us? I thought I married the only other person alive who think Dylan sucks because he can’t sing.

Christ, you have some issues....

I don’t have much to say but that I am truly sorry. You, your mother, your siblings all deserved better.

My friend and I needed a cop once, when the man who she had a protective order against showed up at a bar and threatened, we all got kicked out. She called the police and they didn’t come for 6 hours, until about 3am because he was friends with the entire department. My brother came over with a baseball bat to protect

Awesome observation. We all know that women are often not taken seriously when reporting sexual assault but I can’t imagine a Prosecutor calling a white victim a “conniving little whore” The department has a blatant disregard for the safety of health of the community they were policing and actively terrorized them.

Could he be anymore of a Kennedy?

I told my husband I wanted a sapphire and it should be antique, I’m glad I did.

Speaking of moms, there was a reporter whose been covering Hillary on Fresh Air yesterday. She said that voters find it inauthentic when Hillary talks about being a grandmom but they really like it when Hillary talks about her own mother. I wonder if Chelsea will talk about Hillary as mom and grandmom?

Old Navy had the same. My friend bought it for her daughter in May and tweeted a picture of her newborn daughter wearing it with a tutu @Oldnavy


Yes, I am recovering as well but 12 years of Catholic schooling means I am Catholic whether I like it or not....but this much I know, a Catholic man can usually find the clit pretty quick.

I visited Seattle two Septembers in a row and I must have had a lucky streak...I found it absolutely delightful.