I got married at Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve, which was perfect. Our reception was in a stone pavilion that provided 12 picnic tables that could sit 8 per table. Our ceremony was in the meadow right next door. We brought out own alcohol and had food trucks. We also had an outdoor cocktail reception complete with…
I did mine 45 minutes north of Philly last September, Spent $1000 for an outdoor venue. What are you looking for specifically?
I got mine from BHLDN 15 months ago for $250 and its way prettier than this garbage.
St. Patrick’s Day. Most people don’t live in Manhattan and won’t encounter a Santa Con but every single on of us has an Irish bar in town that manages to shut down a street for 4-5 days for people to drink green Miller Light until they puke.
Tully or bust, glad to see it ranks highest of the normal Irish whiskeys.
More than 2
The whiskey sours we shall sip while looking onto the pool will be fabulous (I am obviously inviting myself over)
And its so much tastier...I can let a half gallon comfortably sit for 3-4 weeks and it still tastes as delicious and creamy as the day I bought it. Its worth every extra penny I spend because I’m not pouring half of it down the drain.
Now that I am pregnant, I take the elevator up one flight and walk the additional flight to my office because its a private stairwell with no elevator provided. When you are pregnant everything exhausts you and increases your heart rate. The days I walk both flights I pant like a dog for like 5 minutes straight.
The Listeria outbreaks are what stopped me dead in my tracks. I am not really a fan but everyone at work loves it, I now refuse to go because I am pregnant and Listeria will fuck a pregnant woman up. My coworkers are almost entirely male so they think I am over reacting.
I’m lucky because I actually get paid leave through my short term disability policy provided by my employer....it can be from 6-10 weeks depending on my doctor...now I fully intend to spend more than 8 weeks away, I should be able to get a couple paid vacation weeks then we will just go without my income for another…
I feel like Bennigan’s and Houlihan’s have both been out of business for about a decade.
The one on the 1300 block of Walnut? My coworkers loved the shit out of that place...I never once stepped foot in it.
Yes, she is human.
I don’t think she is just trying according to electoral results she is succeeding.
Queso should only be served in Quesarito form at The Bell. My pregnancy is calling for me to eat a Quesarito at least once a week, its a thing of beauty.
I didn’t watch the oscars but I listened to part of the monologue this morning, specifically the lynching joke. I was absolutely shocked that people laughed at it. Like, what the actual fuck, that isn’t a haha funny joke, its a pointing a mirror at society joke. I felt super disgusted for all those people.
I dunno, as a zygote I totally had a life...I guess you weren’t invited to too many zygote parties on the weekends though....
My cavalier attitude has been focused solely on sleeping on my back. I sleep on my sides too but damn it just feels to good to sleep on my back not to.