its cool
its cool
I wasn’t until EGR commented, now I am...someone ungreyed me for that comment!
I used to work for Maggie and thought she was pretty awesome....but this, just no.
read the other comments, I am not the only one who came to this conclusion.
you should take a careful read, she went out of her way to interview as many people in support of the porn industry and how wonderful it is for women.
or “totes empowering” depending on what kind of feminist you are, it seems. I’m with you though, men masturbating to women being raped is part of rape culture.
very worth discussing but its like cognitive dissonance to them.
I didn’t mean it in a flippant way. capitalism is exploitative and yes, non-sex industries can exploit their workers in horrible ways. I was disagreeing with the tone of this article that there is no exploitation of workers in the porn industry, of course there is.
I think I’m also much more second wave at the mature age of 34. I care less about female empowerment and more about our rights as women, workers etc.
totally agree with every line of this.
yeah don’t you know, we are all stuck up prudes who hate sex!
yeah no, non union car factories in “right to work” states make like $12 an hour...for physically difficult work. The ones with good wages are in unions....they are in unions because they were exploited. Oh and funny story, when they tried to unionize auto companies hired cops who killed a bunch of them striking.
they didn’t warn me, its complete shit
Apparently Erin Gloria Ryan didn’t like my comment so she put me back in the greys. The greys which were created for trolls not daily commenters that disagree with you on one issue.
And I see I am back in the greys because I didn’t agree with your editorial opinion. Lovely.
Yes I did. The tone was quite clear.
And clearly there isn’t good regulation in this industry, this the owners exploit their workers for profit. Capitalism is inherently exploitative of labor.
I feel like the author would have believed the CEO of Walmart had she asked him if they exploited workers.
thank you