Julian Finn

The whole point of GoT is it doesn't care if you think it's a shit message. This was the Red Wedding writ large. Turning everything on its head.

Possibly. Then again, it’s pretty much the lists I would have done, and that’s because it’s good stuff that I liked, so... I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. But it looks a little TOO perfect, right?

I’d just like to point out “Hispanic” as a term comes from “Hispania” which covers the entire Iberian peninsula. Including Portugal.

Damien was reminding me of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode where Spike goes, “This is the crack team that foils my every plan? I am DEEPLY shamed.”

The video is bad enough. The list of questions and observations is downright obnoxious. I'm starting to think the problem with Sulcowicz is that she's insufferable.

It means she doesn’t have a great understanding what it means to post something in public.

Yeah. I don't get that either since SHE is the one distributing it, then she has already given the viewer consent to watch. She sounds like a crazy person.

I didn't know Tom Robbins knew how to Internet. Congrats, sir.

“if she’s playing on the idea of “consent,” that is.”

Yeaaah I’m no longer Team This Girl.

eh fuck it, by the time I download it, it'll be Friday.