Julian Finn

This is seriously going down as the one of the greatest methods of figuring out those who pay attention and those who don’t.

The whole point of GoT is it doesn't care if you think it's a shit message. This was the Red Wedding writ large. Turning everything on its head.

I shake my head.  Do you think creating a wormhole inside a ship is a good idea.  I swear the haters don’t think at all when they start banging on their keyboards.

Don’t listen to the haters who are living in the past.

Am I alone in wondering if they're bridging the OG and Kelvin timelines by mentioning time travel and Spock in the same breath? Or am I missing something?

I hate this type of shit.

Possibly. Then again, it’s pretty much the lists I would have done, and that’s because it’s good stuff that I liked, so... I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. But it looks a little TOO perfect, right?

I’d just like to point out “Hispanic” as a term comes from “Hispania” which covers the entire Iberian peninsula. Including Portugal.

Not to make too much of this, but is just me or has io9 picked up a bit of an attitude toward older fans in the last year or so? I can’t cite chapter and verse because, hey, I’m old, but I recall at least one headline that concluded with “Because Old People are Terrible,” along with various other articles that are

And you’re completely and utterly wrong. Flawed, hell yes. But it’s nonetheless the best Superman movie ever made (number 2 is The Iron Giant). Granted that’s not hard to do given its awful initial sequels, the Singer dull reboot/sequel and completely an utterly wrong Murderman reboot, but to say that there’s nothing

GotDAYUM the io9 commentariat don’t get out much. I knew a bunch of insulated weebs was gonna be rough, but you guys really know how to do nothing but piss and moan if someone’s opinion disagrees with yours. I didn’t think I’d ever see this kind of slavish devotion to the idea that racism isn’t still a thing outside

I’m pretty sure you just found Io9's new tag line. Take your damn star!

Following the twist, their rivalry morphs into a story about a white woman seeking to unseat a multiracial, black woman from her social station—specifically by exposing the truth about her heritage. The term “half-breed” should be seen as quite loaded in this context.

Newbie! The Doctor started out with three companions, and has had that again a ton of times. I was particularly fond of the Nyssa/Teagan/a dude line up. 

Also known as “The Gotham Approach” and/or the “Agents of SHIELD Viewing Guide” ;)

Damien was reminding me of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode where Spike goes, “This is the crack team that foils my every plan? I am DEEPLY shamed.”

A fanboy knows a hater.

you’ll be a staff favorite

If the show isn’t going ‘full Gotham’ I assume the Voice of Rao is FutureBrainiac while the one we see at the end is PresentBraniac. If they *do* go full Gotham then Voice of Rao is time-travelling Lex Luthor.

I will never ever get tired of seeing bulletproof b̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ people wiping the floor with bad people. Never.

FTFY. Color should be irrelevant. Sure, it’s in his “name”, but ya know what? This suburban white kid looked up to him, and pretended to be “Black Lightning” back in the Superfriends days....