Michael Bay. Tell me this franchise wouldn't benefit from some random explosions and a car chase or three.
Michael Bay. Tell me this franchise wouldn't benefit from some random explosions and a car chase or three.
"Can I get a caffe' latte, please?"
"When Rosa Parks said she didn't give up her bus seat because she was tired, she meant that she was tired of being treated like a second-class citizen, not that she was physically exhausted. This is clear in the full context of her statement. The idea that she was just a quiet lady…
What's the name of that rule that says that the comments in any feminist article will eventually prove the article true?
I love how you potentially/probably saved your and your coworkers' lives and a bunch of bros still chime in like "cool story, but I just reeeeeally need to correct you on this one thing that you weren't even wrong about". Way to prove the entire point of the article. (This gif is for them, not you, but I didn't want…
Oh, fuck off. You're unnecessarily splitting hairs here and you fucking know it.
Did you bother to read the whole story or the comments?
Interesting that a dude chimes in because he doesn't trust what a woman says. Because I'm guessing you're a guy.
Really, I HAD NO IDEA.
"I beg your pardon!" -Satan
"So, if you treat a baby factory like real people, it becomes a better baby factory?! Buh-b-but the Bible-the kitchen-(head explodes)"
You're just running around saying senseless things. I hesitate to even call this trolling.
Actually they're illegal without the written consent of both parties unless there is a court order. But don't let facts get in the way of your ridiculous sperm-jacking panic.
Allure's latest issue features a profile of the Dancing with the Stars person, Julianne Hough. In the profile Hough…
19 kids and no orgasms.
These people are not fascinating, hate-watchable, nor entertaining to watch. They are dangerous, arrogant, money-grubbing bigots who are constantly and consistently spreading their hate through quirky bits of television like this.
Education is free, paid for by my tax dollars.
It would help if we didn't make it insanely expensive to raise a child who might be economically independent in the future, but hey, fuck universal healthcare, amirite?
At one point, she asked if he would consider quitting his job to be a stay-at-home father given how much he wanted a baby. "That just wasn't the plan he had in mind," she said.
My anti-choice mother, when I told her I would be getting a Mirena IUD: "It doesn't stop eggs from being fertilized; it just stops them from implanting!" *wrings hands* Me: "I sure as hell hope so!" I don't owe anything to any goddamn egg.
Look, asshole, my initial post was asking actual questions that were not made clear in this, the article I read and am commenting on.