You actually can't be racist if you:
You actually can't be racist if you:
There is a world of difference between a coma and brain death.
"Also, you have no idea what I'm saying because you were born profoundly deformed and died with minutes."
What is being said here is that reporting rape is horribly traumatic to women who are already victimized. So it's very hard to just say "report any and all sexual assault to the police" when you know that means women being humiliated, shamed, the validity of their statements questioned, and even their personal…
that's kinda weird. It's not like Alzheimer's is a women only disease.
This has been my favourite internet pissing contest to date. Hat tipped to all involved.
It's only abandonment when you're poor. If you're rich, they call it rehoming.
I was suuuuper close to crying from this fucking story, but you made me laugh. So thanks.
"Marsha and I always planned to have five children..."
So they want to force girls or women who have been trafficked into sexual slavery to give birth to their rapist's babies? Good job GOP immoral fuckwads for never ceasing to amaze me.
I want a bill which bans anyone who is not the person having an abortion from having any say about abortion legislation.
I don't need empathy. I'm an adult who's grown way past the point of needing to be told women are not prizes to be won. Sounds to me like you have some growing up to do, yourself. Good luck with that.
I doubt anyone will see this because it's way down in the grays, but as somebody who was, in all likelihood, not terribly dissimilar from this boy when I was in school many, many years ago, I have to say I wish this video existed back then, because this is exactly what someone like me needed to hear.
*But maybe a better adjusted person raised by a happier mother would be here instead and we WOULDN'T WANT THAT NOW WOULD WE.
Particularly combined with the line "health insurgence", which makes me feel like it's revolutionary countercultural healthcare, and thus probably very hemp-centric :)
ETA: No judgment on typos, my typing is a train wreck. They just coalesced awesomely here.
I'm glad you were warned and had other options.
I was warned of this before going to my school's counseling center and for that exact reason decided not to go. I was suffering panic attacks and was told that the school could use my session as a reason to not let me re-enroll after I took some time off to deal with my illness . I am fortunate enough to have heath…
When I was suddenly given a cancer diagnosis, we were stunned. But, I later found out from my mother that he called and told her that she didn't need to worry. He was not ever leaving me and that he would take care of her only child no matter what.
Poor people are perennially punished in America. Politicians get elected by promising to further dis-empower and disenfranchise them because so many Americans are too denial-filled to recognize that they themselves are one step away from being just as poor. They've been brainwashed to believe that they're somehow…
I dunno... maybe she just shouldn't have swallowed that IUD in the first place.