that’s the America we’ve been fighting for all this time.
It doesn’t but people who haven’t actually researched it think that the fact that mostly mothers get custody is an indication of bias in the court system when it’s actually because men don’t ask for custody. When they ask for it they get it.
Yes, those terrible, terrible family courts. Where when men demand custody, they only get it ~80% of the time, even when they’ve taken the rational steps of cutting the mothers off from shared financial resources. The misandry!
Alternative headline, whiny little bitch refuses to hold self accountable for anything.
I’m always trying to get people to watch Psych, but I’ve yet to find anyone who loves that show as much as I do. You really need to include Monk in the golden age of USA network, though. I still hold out hope for a Psych/Monk mashup movie.
Glad that Claudia pointed that out about her dad because it's been really weird to watch libs stan for that guy. He's still a piece of shit, he just happens to not like Trump.
Counterpoint: her public persona lines up with the type of people who believe they own their children, and will do the extra dramatic thing to “show you what you’ve made me do”.
This is so godsdamn perfect that I hope a tabloid editor somewhere is weeping because they didn’t think of it first.
Apparently, Harry hates the term “Megxit” because it implies Meghan was the one who wanted to leave the U.K., though it is a convenient pun. Perhaps “Susxit”
No, you mean a man who went to serve in Afghan partly to get away from the Press and has a longstanding issue with them for, you know, getting his mother killed might have been the one to want to leave?
I sometimes ramble about how this movie deserves to be rated higher than it is. It’s so sweet. The ending with them just working on music together? I love it!!
This is one of my favorite rom-coms! I loved it when it came out and I actually own it on DVD.
My wife is an IMCU nurse just north of Seattle, where the first US COVID patient was detected. Here are some stories from here and her friends:
Starred for the Wicked reference.
I call it perceived, or perhaps created would be a better term. William and Kate made a point of going to that church in the same party as Harry and Meghan instead of in the Queen’s party. That is a pretty big vote of confidence and solidarity in royal circles, because they can never say anything flat out…
Joan, maybe it’s better that you leave Royals coverage to Kelly Faircloth. You clearly loathe them, and I come to Jez for snark, not “loathing! unadulterated loathing!”
I think the dinner scene would be more like Harry yelling at William and the rest of the family, “The racists came for my wife and you did nothing!”