

...do you even know where you are right now?

His Twitter is gold RE Ferguson. This particular tweet was my favorite (said in response to some racist who tweeted at him):

I think it's more examining how all political parties treat women like we're this mysterious, new-fangled trinket that no one can figure out.

I'm all for people doing whatever drugs they want on their own time, but once you are behind the wheel, I'm out for blood. I hope the nurse felt the same way.

In a just society, Vinolo wouldn't be on the hook for any of his medical bills.

But where's Dame Maggie?!

1) There are a lot of extremely healthy people who are "fat" see: my cousin who runs 5k marathons for shits and giggles

She speaks as though she has something to say that is worthy of being heard. That's a pretty grave offense for a lot of FOX viewers, coming from a black woman.

Because only women need them. And we all know that we could all stop being women if we wanted to—we're just too stubborn and insist on doing "women-things" like having periods and babies. . .how selfish of us!

Men have no idea what tampons and pads cost and how deeply essential they are. There's a huge stigma about menstruation that makes a dude buying tampons for his usually overly emotional girlfriend into a tired TV comedy show trope. Women in poor countries either have nothing to bleed into it (and lose jobs and school

I think there's a place for fantasy at the table when talking about basic sexuality. Sure, we need anatomy down first, but after that, I think discussion of masturbation and, as a result, fantasy, is important. I'm older and more informed now, but I had kinky inclinations at 14. I just thought I was weird and that no

In general, women were seen as easier to mislead, less competent, but more warm.

I'd go watch it, but I heard they make you constantly stand up and sit back down again during the movie.

That's the spirit! Maybe folks can find their daughters unconscious in a pool of blood on the bathroom floor, right? Where there's a will, there's a way. That's that old American can-do attitude.

"But what I think a woman brings to a marriage more than anything else, to a relationship, is her youth. Youth is a fragile and diminishing resource. So if a woman were to invest two years into one of these marriages and then to be rejected by the man, I think that she has given up a valuable asset that is unequal –

Just to clear this up, here's my disclaimer: "I in no way condone: drinking while driving, handling guns while drinking, handling babies while drinking, handling babies while handling guns, handling babies and guns while drinking, keeping babies in shitty diapers, waiting for Mom to change shitty diapers, sharing

wow, thanks so much for the hearty mansplanation of maternity leave! You're right, taking time off to shove a watermelon out of my cooter IS just a delicious, wonderful choice I'm making - just like a man wanting to backpack through Europe! In fact, I really planned badly by not having my husband do the whole