
Fortunately, they seem to amuse each other.

S'ok. When a friend posted it to her Facebook page yesterday, "Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuckers." was all I could manage.

He will be making no further requests for visitation with his daughter. This, at least, is a good thing.

I'm curious - do you also ask the gross-footed mandal wearers to cover up? Politely?

Is your health insurance free? Because mine costs a shit-ton of money every month. How nice that it finally provides health-related services that I, a uterus owner, actually need in order to be competitive in the workforce.

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

Only one abortion clinic in the state of Wyoming, and it's in Jackson. Should I mention that Jackson is where Wyoming's richies live? Also, didn't stop the crazy-ass legislature from contemplating TRAP laws in the recent session. Fortunately, allowing silencers on hunting rifles proved more important.

Gee, here's a thought: since the universal cause of unintended pregnancy is semen, I propose that all pre-pubescent boys be required to undergo a reversible surgical procedure to render them sterile. This procedure will then only be reversed with a duly signed and notarized agreement from a man's legal wife that she

I wonder if there is an evolutionary advantage to becoming pregnant with a rapist's baby? Perhaps women, raped by conquerors, were more likely to survive if they bore them children?

Here I thought this article was going to be about Greek yogurt-related flatulance causing global warming...

Now THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is a "side eye!"

LOL, my toddlers would have seen this and "Naked time! Woo hoo!" is all I would have heard before they started streaking.

I like Will Smith's movies, but I don't know that I would characterize him as " the biggest movie star in the world."

Oh my gosh, I wish I had thought of this! Hunting up the clothes, doing the hair, learning about these women...she'll remember doing this with her mother forever.

BioMom Onamatopoeia is similarly nuts. I'll probably send a Happy Day email tomorrow.

I cannot express to you how wowed I would be if one of my children cleaned my house. It's a pretty awesome thing to do.

Had the Queen just stepped on a Lego? And someone inconsiderately took her picture?


I'm with you. It's nice and all...I'm certainly glad he's come around, but it pisses me off that these people have no problem hurting others until... *boom* ...My son's gay? But, but...he's a human being!