

Awwww! It's a baby MRA! God, they're cute when they're little! Don't get one, though - when they get bigger, they're unmanageable and people tend to flush them down the toilet.

I was wondering if it was somehow related to sewing sweatshops, and having a tremendous pile of work "cut out for you?"

I guffaw.

TOE the party line, damn it! Not tow. /homophone rant

Cheeky is the perfect word.

Agreed. If I were her, and my son gave me that gift, I'd laugh my ass off.

No, it's not a joke. It's satire.


Seems strange that he would immediately cop to an extra-marital affair. Don't these guys usually resign "to spend more time with family" with the truth trickling out later?

Thanks to Citizens United, no, not illegal.

"Religion may play role, but the abortion debate in the US is almost entirely, once you get past the rhetoric, about gender equality."

The Brits get all the best commercials...

Well, goodness! I'm sure glad they replaced the toothbrush! /sarcasm

I suspect what people actually mean by "not taking responsibility" is "Who the HELL do you think you are having SEX like it's some kind of basic human need! Keep your slut legs closed if you're poor!"

I want that cake. Now. Get in my mouth.

This. Yes. Thank you for saying it so calmly, because the extremely misinformed musings about "government" paying for birth control are really pissing me off.

Well, vegetables totally hold up better than pastries. Just sayin'.

Bwahahaha! Brilliant.

I wonder how far 21 million dollars would have gone to take care of *actual* children? 21 million fucking dollars! Honestly, these people make me so angry...