
Every time I go back to my sleepy little hometown by the sea it takes me little under a month to get that deep itch for skyscraper apartment complexes, the sleaze of drunk men and Ladies of Negotiable Affections coming in and out of 노래바s, 24/7 convenience stores, and neon red crosses poking above the poorer

Everywhereville, South Korea.

Thanks for publishing these emails. As they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant, and it also prevent Ricketts.

Not surprising that they’re friends. The past couple years of offensive line play have demonstrated that Carroll also doesn’t believe in safe spaces.

The phrase wasn’t originated in racist tones though. It actually is used as a replacement for swearing, and that’s how it originated. Just because something originated in the south while slaves were there doesn’t make it racist. If I (I’m Latino) say a black guy “looks blue” is that “racially charged” because the

I didn’t want to be the f-hole that pointed it out.

as she hits the word “free” you can see the national anthem go back and to the left

Seems like CSPD ought to be less worried about the calls coming from journalists, and more worried about the calls

This is all well and good but I need to know, has anyone seen any sailors?

Pretty disgusting, mysoginistic behavior from Keith Hernandez. What a damn shame, it’s 2017, and he’s making comments like this? I thought we would be past this. This just shows you what happens when you have an industry dominated by men; you get this kind of filth on our airwaves. You know, I have one question for

Paul George to team up with John Wall in search of a Ringo?

GLORIA: I know money’s been kind of tight, but this Escalade was just a gift from Matt and I don’t care that much about it. Maybe we should flip it?

With all its success, Simmons just should name his new site Can’t Land.

You’re wax and you know you are, you’re wax and you know you are, you’re wax and you know you are...

Progressive snatch pulls

The Flintstones called and want their sound effect back.

He should rename himself to Wayne, cuz he ain’t got no D!

Perhaps it’s 3-1 lead poisoning.

Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people.