somebody call the waaambulance.
somebody call the waaambulance.
Depending on how small the town is (I did not google) it wouldn't be all that creepy if this showed up in their mailboxes. I graduated with 200+ people and at the time, could tell you where a large majority of my classmates lived, friends with them or not. This is still gross, no argument there, but not shocking they…
"... in accordance with Minnesota Health Code 69"
They just couldn't resist, could they?
Does Miley Cyrus do anything but simulate fellatio?
I had a hard time eating calamari for months after that episode!!
The restaurant I worked at made me cut the squid into calimari rings from scratch, and we'd still get those comments! It never stopped kids from ordering it, though.
Technically, it could be pig assholes. I'm sure Taco Bell regards them as meat....
calimari, anyone?
Hog bung 4 lyfe.
Well, darn. I was hoping for pig assholes! This American Life listeners know what I'm talking about! (Maybe)
He most certainly deserved it, but that doesn't mean the state should have the right to do it.
off to see if I can remember my neopets login and feed my dying pets
I was so good at Meerca Chase
NEOPETS bless you, let's all go play Meerca Chase, then stake out the Money Tree.
Why not just arrange clothes on medical skeletons?
While what you say may very well be true, the guest hosts on SNL do not write the skits. So blaming Ms Dunham for the content of this skit is not really fair.
I think the issue here is that far more than 3.4% of lingerie models are cast in lesbian homoerotic scenes, reducing female homosexuality to a fictional scene, a decorative flourish, for a male audience to consume. If we're going with "most people are straight," then why do lingerie scenes and ads so frequently…