Jesus. I thought it was uncomfortably intimate and gross to have to share a bathroom with my sister.
Jesus. I thought it was uncomfortably intimate and gross to have to share a bathroom with my sister.
Every time I read the word twincest I think of my twin sister and just die a little from wanting to vomit foreverrrrrrr. €__€
The War of the Roses.
I'm skeptical about the twin thing because my sanity depends on it. Seriously why do people have twin fetishes? It's like yeah, you imagine hot twins but you're basically asking someone to have sex with their sibling. Like it's the same as you have sex with your sibling (multiple or not) with someone else. Grossness.
Monday night's Jeopardy! had a "What Women Want" category, but instead of featuring things women actually want—paid…
Good lord, how have we gotten so far as a species.
Well, as a true dyed-in-the-wool pervert who used to sell sex toys, I can tell you that my immediate first thought was, "oh yeah. Textured." So that would be my guess as to why pepperoni. If you don't want to go out and buy a big veiny dildo, this might be your cheapest option. Or else he's using the cheap stuff…
I don't get how he can claim the women in the video were "actors" unless he has video of them agreeing to act in the video/signing forms/etc. I haven't seen any mention of such evidence, so I'm assuming
His "social experiment" plan was such a failure. The video focused on domestic violence against men, a typical move by misogynists, which has jack shit to do with him sexually harassing women.
or maybe she was so shocked, she was in denial, and assumed that what happened wasn't rape.
Wow like women who get the shit beaten out of them and still go back to the abuser. Thank God we have you to tell us what REAL VICTIMS act like. BARF
We don't know if he forced her to go back to the hotel room. He could have made her feel so unsafe that she couldn't say no. Please stop victim blaming, you asshole.
I think the overlap between people who found his groping video funny and people who would be likely to rape would be less a Venn diagram and more like a solid circle.
They should make a prank video where he gets arrested and thrown in jail for many years. You know, as a joke.
That chodes like this are not immediately afflicted with ass cancer is the main reason I do not believe in God.
Hopefully that helped tighten those muscles some, missy! : )
I laughed so hard at this my pelvic floor exploded.
I never comment before reading the article, but I'm making an exception in this case just to say that the accompanying image of the cat is everything. I wish I could get it printed on cards so that I could hand it to men at bars when I can't be bothered to talk to them. It really sums it all up.
That clickity clackity noise you hear? It's the sound of women around the country pounding their keyboards, rewriting this piece from a woman's viewpoint.