You can buy mermaid legging knockoffs on amazon for $7. I have a pair and they're glorious.
You can buy mermaid legging knockoffs on amazon for $7. I have a pair and they're glorious.
This is the sort of thing they teach you in voice-over school (where I went for a day at my Dad's behest). Another big one is not popping your ps, because it sounds really bad in the microphone.
Please. Hassee Bounce for life!
and they wonder why teenagers are developing eating disorders/
I did not have sexual relations with that woman. #LiesToldByMales
a gram isn't that much though. still good to know as i live in MA. whatever, the police out here don't give a shit if you're not selling.
there was no dead service member.
As someone who has just been through the tedious process to get an emotional support animal at my college (J Alfred Purrfrock and I are codependent), I'm pretty sure that the law suit would be under the Fair Housing Act rather than the Americans With Disabilities Act. If the animal isn't leaving the residence (dorm…
the sound and the fury as a james franco movie? can he read well enough to get through that book?
at 4 minutes. the start wasn't working.
my aunt in a virginia slims commercial of the same style in the 70s. We haven't come a long way.
Still not affordable for families on food stamps. Sorry to make this political, but jeez, people who claim food stamps are too generous confuse and sicken me.
I've always wanted a dog that's actually a cat. if i ever have the time to put into training/caring for one i'll get it.
I get facebook, but linkedin? damn, I've gotten some of my nest connections through adding professors on linkedin.
why the fuck not?