I think this story just made me hate myself a little more.
I think this story just made me hate myself a little more.
thanks for the adrienne rich reference!
heteronormativity ftw!
knee high socks just don't cut it in the baltimore winter.
In my high school the uniform required that we wear skirts without tights.
I love vlogbrothers!
the distinction would fall in whether she does it to make you happy because she cares about you, even if it isn't her favorite thing, or if she does it because she's afraid of upsetting you.
sadly, the majority of innocent people in jail for rape are "scary black men" who were the victim of racial bias.
I think it's important to figure out why people rape in order to prevent it. There is nothing that could justify a rapist's actions, but that doesn't mean figuring out what their excuses are won't help us debunk those excuses for future generations.
It's totally riot grrl. And the lyrics on the verses are pretty great:
Add some Marina and the Diamonds for perfection.
I'm jealous of all of you. Western Mass is COLD! We had snow in early april!!
You could say the same thing for traditionally feminine clothes in the winter.
So once again we police the girls' bodies and what we put on them rather than the boys' reaction to the dresses. Because 8th grade boys can't handle themselves around adolescent tits? Why does the lust of boys become the girls' problem?
This book seems to be set up to glorify a relationship between a 15 year old and 20something, which really scares me.
He did write TFiOS! I haven't read that one yet, so I can't recommend it from personal experience, but you should definitely check him out. It's the difference between writing YA lit and writing books that happen to be for and about young adults. I love how intelligent John Green's books are in comparison to the…
the right direction: away from Kiefer
John Green's Paper Towns is about debunking the myth of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl and it's amazing.
Some YA is actually pretty great, like John Green's Paper Towns. The problem comes when YA turns into a perpetuation of the ridiculous world of Seventeen, rich bitches, and body shame. Also when it sucks (which much of it does.
I agree that this is really problematic. Also, "Berkshire sunlight" is an oxymoron.