
When I watched Weekend Update, I told my wife "It's the most biting joke they've made in weeks". Case in point: the backlash.

"Nocturnal Animals is the only identifiably American movie that's been worth seeing this year"

I agree the opening minutes are a showstopper. There are difficult to describe while not sounding offensive. However the final minute didn't land with me because I was thinking "Oh man, tell me that's not how it ends". The movie petered out in the last 25 minutes.

I had the same experience watching this movie as I had watching A Single Man: beautiful cinematography, a great showcase for actors, some memorable scenes, but as a whole I found it superficial. I couldn't connect emotionally with anyone. And 4 days later, I barely remember any of it.
That being said, is it me or Amy

More unhelpful answers…

It's 2016, couldn't they get two bland black guys?

It's all part of his grand plan to promote his new business after he loses the presidential election: vaginoplasty.
"Make That Pussy Great Again"

Starting to think like them… I'm in too deep.

I'm afraid to go on Breitbart and look at the comment section. I can only imagine…

Robbed at gunpoint?! It's getting real hard to keep up with those Kardashians.

Anyone knows who is the soul diva belting the cover of "Cool Operator" about 10 minutes into the episode?

Dheepan is a French movie and the frogs chose "Mustang" to represent them instead.

Agreed. The second half should have been titled "Straight Outta Law School".

Are you trying to say that Anthony Hopkins is NOT a serial killer?

Craft Services:

Agreed. When it's not a spot on impression like Jay does with Ben Carson, the character needs a stronger point of view. Kate McKinnon's Hillary has the "I act nice and normal but I don't know what these words mean" and Beck Bennett's Jeb Bush is the little boy who tries to get the attention from the grown ups. Both

She's great most of the time. Except the time of the month when she has blood spilling out of her everywhere. Then she's a loser. And a rapist. And I feel like shooting her in the middle of 5th Avenue. People would still love me because I'm great at making deals. And after murdering her, I'd make a great deal with her

Translation: I've only seen two French horror movies in my life and they were cool, LOL. Now I'll make a blanket statement on something I know nothing about, so I sound controversial and interesting. LOL

I hear the scene where Joy gets raped by the mop is gnarly.

Yes, for my money, Ex Machina is missing, but is redeemed by having having Mad Max as number one. Add a handful of movies I haven't even heard of and I'm happy to qualify this list as a success. Thanks AVC!