
Someone mentioned the "CTRL-LEFT" which at least had a certain wit to it.
"alt-left" is just plain lazy and that, Sir, is a crime.

God Hates Figs

Donald Trump is second-best worldwide on "Words with Friends".
Don't know who the number 1 is, since Donald Trump has the best words.

He does get good guests, but his questions often turn into pedantic monologues.

"Ain't Them Boobies Quaint"

Maybe the kid will learn that you if rely too much on provocation, you eventually become a parody of yourself. Madonna figured it out. Wait, no…

In my opinion, "The Founder" lacked a point of view. As a result, I didn't feel anything during the movie, and forgot all about it right after. Love'em or hate'em, all of this year's Oscar contenders have a strong POV.

Since "Weiner" was left out, My vote goes to "I Am Not Your Negro". The move, just like its title, is in your face. And I mean this as a compliment.

Agreed, especially after putting so much hope into the dinner date… Devastating.

How do you call those tiny green balls? Peas? How extraordinary…

She shouldn't be hanging out in South Central come night time.

Second this. "Lips" is the standout, as well as "Performance".
For the record, the best album to come out today is Bonobo's "Migration". This guy never disappoints.

The Trump excuse seems like bs to me. I think the driver was just vying for GQ's much coveted "Citizen's Arrest Of The Year" award.

I'm with you, and yet I couldn't help but grin through most of it. Chazelle's love of music and cinema is infectious. And the opening sequence itself is worth the price of admission.

Upvoted. Does that make me complicit with the system you hate?

Works nicely in a double feature with "Certified Copy"

I recommend to every aspiring storyteller out there to watch this film, and learn the emotionally devastating power of SILENCE.

I actually enjoyed "Loving" because it is so understated, and appreciated the absence of tug-at-your-heartstrings moments. As for "La La Land", if you enjoy musical comedies such as "Singing' In The Rain" and "The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg", I guarantee you'll enjoy it. It oozes passion for cinema and jazz.

I will take you at your word and give it another shot, then.

Fun fact: I was re-reading "Fear And Loathing On The Campaign Trail '72" and towards the end of the book, Hunter S Thompson makes the point that the Democrats lost the blue-collar votes by catering too much to the anti-war hippies, civil-rights activists and feminists, and allowed Nixon to tap into the latent racism