
I was ready to walk out about an hour into the movie. It only (barely) comes alive when - and I never thought I'd ever write this sentence - Bradley Cooper walks into the movie and makes it fun. Then it's back to flat storytelling, heavy-handed characterizations, predictable plot twists and saccharine denouement. C+

This worthy subject deserves a worthier script and director. "C" is about right, it was incredibly boring, even for Oscar bait. Streep has just one short scene where she delivers a speech that's about as stirring as cold soup. Mulligan and Bonham Carter do what they can with the dull material, and Gleeson manages to

For my money, the first half was much stronger than the second. The director trusted the audience to fill in the blanks when they're in the room and the tension is fantastic. I loved the fact that the escape was unpredictable, messy and very well handled - there wasn't a dry eye in the theater. The second half was too

Michael Shannon acts normally in most of the movie, save for a typical bad-guy-justifying-his-bad-guy-ways monologue. But I agree with Dowd: his character is not given any redeeming feature (he even cheats on his wife, the horror!) so it's difficult to believe he's real. I mean, even a real life villain like Dick

Back in my days, the villains smoked REAL cigarettes. None of these sissy electronic ones. What next? A patch-wearing villain?

I believe the other friends are Chandler and Joey

"I honestly thought for a minute there that Aleida had somehow contacted Cesar and told him to act extra crazy when Bennet comes over, in order to convince him to let Mary Steenburgen adopt the baby".

Am I the only one thinking OINB doesn't handle "action" scenes very well? The editing on Rosa running over Vee was downright sloppy, and so was the mistaken stabbing of the Vee lookalike by the Golden Girl… I guess the show is so strong that any misstep is glaring.

I'll admit, I'm a sucker for scantily clad feelings

That is not a piss… THIS, is a piss.

Since the AVC consistently ignores electronic music (with the exception of Jamie XX), here's a list for those who want their fix:

When I went to see James in concert in Paris in 93 for the "Laid" tour, the opening act was Radiohead. "Pablo Honey" was just out. I wish I could say I knew that day they'd become the most important rock band of the next 10 years, but truth is I thought they were just alright, that the lead singer had a weird hairdo

Anyone else listened to The Treatment with Rose McGowan? I thought she came across as insufferable, arrogant and just plain gross. I had no idea she was so full of it. Elvis Mitchell, who is such a gracious interviewer, had no idea what to do with her. It's a highly recommended listen for anyone interested in ego.

Housemartins got into synth pop when they became the Beautiful South, after Norman Cook left.
So we know who'd get the longer segment in the "Where are they now?" broadcast…

Anyone else remembers Eyeless in Gaza? They had a great string of synth-based albums on Cherry Red Records in the early 80's - haunting stuff.

I saw this movie about 6 months ago and don't remember a thing. Which means that either it's not a very memorable movie, or I have to lay down the vapor pen.

Unless they're playing the long game, making a bomb that will force Warner to a $100M write-off… The Wachowskis, destroying capitalism one movie studio at a time… Brilliant!

Unless they're playing the long game, making an expensive bomb that will force Warner to a $100M write-off. The Wachowskis, destroying capitalism one movie studio at a time? * Twirling moustache*… Brilliant!

EDM?! I'd rather watch DISCO: Deep Inside the Space Continuum Orbit

A $179M critique of capitalism. Warner Bros must appreciate the irony.