
Looking forward to the sequel where Abel has to navigate the murky waters of Congress to get the Keystone XL Pipeline approved, against the veto of Barack Obama/David Oyelowo.

Every single time Tommy Wiseau says "You know what I'm saying" in this interview, I'm thinking: "uh, not really, no"

If you are genuinely curious, I'd recommend the New Yorker article on Chris Kyle. It explores the religious angle, among others.

This is Eastwood's best movie since "Gran Torino" (not a great achievement given his latest turds).
I agree with the reviewer, we're never confused in the action scenes and the climax is spectacular.
But as for the ambivalence of the character, I wish they (Cooper is one of the producers) didn't tone down Kyle's

"Untrue" is my favorite soundtrack for traveling (car, train or plane, it makes any journey cinematic) . Didn't think he could top that. Then "Street Halo" came out and for a few months, I had the song to end my DJ sets. Then "Rival Dealer" blew my mind (+ the super emotional "Hiders" and "Come down to us"). Glad for

I watched Lucy after smoking a drug that shut down 99% of my brain and I enjoyed it a lot. I think. Wait. Who are you people?

Is that what happened to her face?

Kill your DVD

I second your opinion, Dark Places is her best book. Cast looks amazing too: Charlize Theron, Christina Hendricks, Chloe Moretz, Nic Hoult, Corey Stoll, Tye Sheridan, Drea De Matteo… I'm in!

Even though I thought Naomie Harris was fantastic as Winnie Mandela, overall the movie was just blah. The screenwriter comes across as a self-important douche, but at least he didn't completely ruin a great story, like the people responsible for "Invictus" did.

Ahem, don't mean to be a dick but… nothing on the Nouvelle Vague? After all, some critics from the Cahiers turned out to have decent careers as directors: Truffaut, Godard, Chabrol and Rohmer to name a few…

Is it a trailer for the movie itself or the making-of?
The way HD looks, I can't tell…

No, I disagree
*hits refresh every 30 second to see if anyone else agrees to disagree*

Nice list!
For beginners, I also recommend the Studio One compilations series: you'll get gems by the likes of Tommy Mccook, Freddy McGregor, Ken Boothe or The Gladiators.

Don't forget Yoko Ono's Madonna impression. That was a brilliant piece of performance art.

Madonna takes herself way too seriously to be a good SNL guest.

Now, tell us how you REALLY feel.

Hear now, you can put all your interminable discussions and your pointless quarrels to rest… The best song of the year is:

For anyone interested in good, melodic electronic music, I recommend Kalabrese's masterpiece "Independent dancer". You'll thank me later.

Coming soon to Funny Or Die with Zack Galifianakis:
Between Two Furnaces