
Before my dad passed, my parents and I would go to the Sound of Music sing-a-longs annually. You just don't know such joy until you've gone. I suggest everyone google to see if there's one near them, and dress in costume (and don't throw a temper tantrum when your mother just brings you a one because you're a sore

MINE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a #notalldilophosaurus situation if I've ever seen one.

O, I know someone that stole dinosaurs and it didn't end well.

I just liked something around 7 comments on this article even though I really don't care about Dakota Johnson, which I think is the point, right? RIGHT?

My favorite tumblr post of all time

Eduardo would probably just WebMD it LOL.

OH EDUARDO, such a jokester.

I think we've all seen this before

This was the most beautiful thing I've ever read.

A genuine burst-out-laughing moment for me

This is all I heard. Blah, blah, blah

Am I the only one who initially read the heading and thought you could now find friends via Netflix? Sorted by your most frequently watched items?

I finally thought I could become the Queen Bee of the Fringe community :(

To be completely honest, I thought it was from this one particular episode of Ghostwriter where Gaby steals money to go see her favorite action hero (Galaxy Girl) comes to town....whoa egg on my face

Also, your user name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!