
If you do that, then it's not a sunny side up egg because the steam is causing the top of the yolk to set. I'm not saying this to slam your method, just pointing out that this is more of a home-cook shortcut over the "proper" methodology. As someone who used to cook for a living, I use the same trick when I want

To each his/her own. This doesn't do a thing for me. Epic wouldn't have even come to mind if I didn't read the post.

I'm going to make this super generic—so don't quote this as law. It's just the simple way to explain it. You could spend a lifetime trying to figure out the music industry at the major label level.

We've had one for well over 100 years http://www.afm.org/. The industry is in such a poor state that their work doesn't really solve anything immediately.

If you're in the US, see if your local hospital has a staffed "nurseline." These services usually run 24/7, connect you with an actual nurse who can give medical advice, and help you find a local doctor. Best of all, hospitals offer this for free. If you don't have a hospital with a nursline available, google

Except that we have those services in the US already. Many US hopsitals offer free "nursline" services that offer advice regardless of locality. They also help individuals find a GP in the service area if necessary. As you were.

I want nothing to do with that car. It's a cool concept, but I would rather sacrifice all the nonsense for gas mileage and a fun driving experience. To be honest, I have no interest in new cars at this point and I probably never will. Gen Y doesn't want to take out new debt—we realized that owing people is a

I'll just stick to using my cloths iron, thank you very much.

When I did recruiting for my employer, we had people flying in all the time and we would always give a detailed tour before the interview. I wanted to make sure they understood our business just as much as I wanted to understand the candidate as a person. At any rate, if you don't experience these things, take away

Noooooo! I'm in comment thread Inception! It's a comment thread stemming from a post of nonsense, as a reply to someone posting nonsense, in a post about how to filter unintelligent nonsense. Don't go deeper or we'll all be stuck in Limbo!

In my experience, you don't need to puncture the can if the crock pot is on low. If you set the crock pot to high, or if you do this on the stove top, then you may need to puncture the can. This is an old trick that's been around for ages, but it never seemed to survive past my parents' generation (in the US,

Awesome read, and the blog is freaking great. Have you tried the baking soda trick? How much time did it take?

Good call—that would taste great.

Those onions are not technically caramelized. In my previous life as a cook, the head chef would have kicked my ass if he saw me cheat like this during prep. With that said, I cheat this way at home a lot—I usually don't have the time to do it right. I'll use a little splash of a sweeter beer or some bourbon to

MusicBee wins for me. I used to use MediaMonkey, but it was kind of overkill for me and I haven't updated it in a while. I tried out all the various Windows compatible players people mentioned in their votes. I really liked Tomahawk, but it didn't give me any good device syncing options. Clementine gave me very

Research why Rojas left Giz to start Engadget, and the resulting competition between the two sites.

That's not the case for Government Works. See United States Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, § 105. Intellectual property is a totally different ball game when it's the government. This includes the ramifications of even licensing some form of IP to the government. Just because the work may be protected, you always have

There's probably not a whole lot for you to boycot if you're not in the US.

I love my hackintosh and I use it primarily as an HTPC. It's giving me the best options for my needs. As a general user, I do love the way a Mac gives me a lot of BSD power in the background. It's like having a *nix box, but with a lot more compatability and software options. It took me a bit to get used to some

Scripps is a news media organization. Their name may be familiar as the main sponsor of the national spelling bee aired on ESPN ever year. They have rather large collection of newspapers and broadcasting holdings (radio and TV) across the US. They also have a news syndication service.