
Removing processed foods, grain products, and sugars from my diet allowed me to lose a lot of body fat. I get my carbs through fruits and veggies only. It took me a while to make the full switch—I gradually made the change. The end result is that I've lost fat and I feel great. My body seems to function a lot

It looks like using a Plex server and PleXBMC helps out a lot with Raspberry Pi usage since the Plex server will transcode the video/audio to something the Raspberry Pi can handle. I haven't tried it out myself, but I figured the info might be useful. Now, if only PleXBMC could work in OpenELEC, which doesn't seem

I saw a screening of it last week. Amazing! This article hits the nail on the head completely. Go see it, but don't eat KFC before hand.

I really really miss the old comment system, including the star system. It had its flaws, but I think it kept debates useful. The running form debate turned nonsensical.

I had a similar situation and the setup of the walls would make it way too much of a pain for me to run electrical connections. I ended up gluing a couple metal plates and attaching this bad boy:

I remember making this back in middle school twenty years ago. It's a shame that some schools don't offer these classes anymore. Wood shop, auto tech, metal shop, and yes even sewing were all incredibly valuable classes to my adult life. I didn't go into a vocation that used these skills when I left high school, but

What he describes goes directly to the amazon.com search page. This works for any site added as a search engine in Chrome's settings. Some sites can add themselves as search engines, duckduckgoog for example, while others require manual entry.

I wonder if this is similarly effective when the steak is dry aged.

When I was a cook back in the day, dropping a steak in a deep fryer would have got me fired in a heartbeat.

Kinja sucks enough as it is. Why make it worse?

That's not necessarily what developers mean when they talk fragmentation. The larger problem involve devices with differing hardware/chipsets that cause headaches in terms of compatibility and bug-free software operation. The number of potential phones is the problem! Compiling an app for Android 2.2 and up isn't

This might actually come in handy for my HTPC hackintosh. Now nothing will interrupt Plex unless I tell it to interrupt Plex. I'll give it a try.

In college, we would use our closet doors as dry erase boards. They were heavily coated with polyurethane, which allowed the dry erase markers to wipe clean without issue.

I think, at best, this research shows that compression beyond ~192kbps VBR has little to no impact on the perception of quality to the general population's ears. The study didn't have people identify the files themselves, it just had them select which ones sounded better to the listener. It does not disprove whether

Squats, burpees, and deadlifts are all my favorite in terms of being the most effective. I do a lot more than these in my routines, but the three are super important.

It really all depends on what's wrong with your knee. There's not much you can do if it's truly injured and you can't move it well at all—see a physical therapist, IMO. If the issue is that you just don't have good range of motion/strength from the injury, then you can do quarter squats or step ups, or even pile

A butcher is someone that falls into the best friend category. Everyone should have a good butcher on a first name basis.

I love bison, but it's so expensive in my area. If I could get it at a cheaper rate, it would replace beef in a second. Maybe I should just take a vacation to a ranch, secure a ton of meat, and then ship it to my house after the vacation. The stuff is so good.

Everyone should befriend their butcher.

I completely agree with those points. I think Deadmau5 is attempting to speak to the current crop of hip, new-er DJs, but he's really degrading the whole scene. I mean, Tiesto is doing a hell of a lot more than hitting play when he's on stage. But I can't say the same for someone like Skillex. The guys who hit