
I'm going to preface this by saying everyone who likes beer should watch this film. With that said, I feel like Moonshot was doomed from the start. It just appeared destined to fail in the film. It's a good documentary, but I don't see Moonshot as the best voice for the cause.

HA!! I approve.

No, I commented on this after I installed and used the app and gave it a good spin. Outlook is powerful, and I've been using the full features of Outlook for a very long time, but I prefer Gmail in terms of email. I've always preferred Outlook's calendaring for my work items because Gmail and the calendar were not

This is great! It really makes me want to move off of Outlook and send all my work emails into a Gmail account. I'm sure the bosses wouldn't be too happy, but I'm really tempted.

This! You hit the nail on the head. I was thinking the same thing while reading the post, but you phrased it much better than I could have done.

I rarely keep receipts. I use my credit cards for most everything, especially things I might need to return. If I lack the receipt, I can call the credit card company and get a copy that will work for returning goods or proving a purchase.

I was kind of excited to see an HDMI Cat 5e/6 balun, but then I came to the exact same conclusion after realizing this thing requires two cables. This could be useful for long distances, or in a scenario where one could put existing Cat 5e/6 wiring to use, but it doesn't seem to be a universally ideal solution.

They must have hired the students who barely passed :)


This is a great app. The paid versions of Acrobat already do this, but having an option for those at my work who only get the free readers is a huge help.

This list sucks! I was hoping to see a list of messed up status updates that are apparently real. Something like, "I totally just got done cranking one out to the weirdest porno from some former USSR country. It was awesome!" followed by the story of how it went out to his pastor, and his boss, and a bunch of

In OH you can get a DUI on a horse. Some of the less populated counties in the southern portions of the state have had a few interesting offenders who turned to the horses on their farms when their licenses were suspended. My favorite was the guy who trained his horse to walk to and from the bar without any

I really like the potential of this app, especially with being able to code rules at the source level. However, the FB requirement is kind of a turn off.

I'm not giving up pre-rinsing! It's an important duty I've delegated to the family dogs. The dogs would be really upset if I stopped putting them on dish duty.

At some point, the individuals had to start lower in the ranks and make time to exercise. Granted, that's pure assumption, but I think it might have some validity. It's an interesting study. Maybe they'll research this further and answer those questions.

Time to put the paper route back on my resume :)

That's awesome!

And this is where "Janitor" becomes "Master of The Custodial Arts."

It seems to be working fine today.
