
Yeah, lacking an 800 number really makes this hard for me to use given that my employer's offices are spread out across the country. I'll probably give this a trial run for fun, but I can't justify the increased phone costs when the business already pays for a conference solution that has most of these features. It

You don't have to connect it... it's not a requirement it's a feature. Connecting it only nets you two more call-in seats. You're limited regardless. But this thing is feature-incomplete and still in beta anyways so you probably shouldn't switch away from your current stable platform regardless of what

VOTE: BAMF Paradigm for Galaxy Nexus. I'm using it with leankernel and my phone actually makes it through the day with ease. I no longer have to switch batteries mid-afternoon.

I've done a lot better with dry heat. If I really want beer in the flavor, I'll make it part of the sausage recipe or I'll marinate the sausages. Sometimes I'll make a beer basting liquid that works quite well too. If I'm smoking the sausages, I might add pan of beer or juice near the fire box to evaporate the


YES! Even with a sear after poaching, the texture and flavor is off. If the sausages are burning, bursting, or not cooking through, then the links are too close to the flame and/or the coals are too hot. Fix that before resorting to a boiled sausage.

I can agree with that point only for people like you who know the kitchen and where things are located. In such a case, you don't need to setup a full station. I push new cooks to always go through the motions of a complete mise setup since many don't know their kitchens at all. Whenever I'm working with people who

I don't have any issues at all. In fact, I just loaded the browser and clicked a link to a download, and since my connection at work is super slow, I went to another app. Eventually, the download started in the background and everything went fine. This was all while I played sudoku. Some apps will unload if

[www.thefoodee.com] is a great recipe site to use. It links out to blogs that post the actual recipe and cooking experience. It's got a lot of simple and complex stuff alike—anyone can cook from the site.

Consider "mise en place" when learning to cook. So many new home cooks omit this important part of the process. Mise en place is when you get all your ingredients, utensils, and tools prepped and ready to go for cooking before you actually start cooking. See [en.wikipedia.org].

Great advice. If you cannot cook and rely on take out, then you need to learn the absolute basics. You need to know how to braise, roast, sear, poach, etc... The BGH book will do it. Cook one new recipe a week and get better and better as time goes by.

+1. This was also a key in me losing a lot of weight and getting healthy. I keep a few items that I can throw together for a quick five minute meal if I need, but most of the time, I'm forced to cook and to cook healthy. It's great.

I hear ya. In terms of salad, it's a waste, IMO. I might use it in a taco, but that's probably it.

Good point.

Whatever. The only thing that really matters is the number of megapixels and whether it can do Instagram-style filters ;p

You just changed my life for the better. I've never been so excited about lunch at work until this very moment.

I'm pretty sure this is one of those marketing-ish posts aimed at search results outside of the gizmo realm. It's a sad trend I've been seeing across a lot of the blogs I read lately. It's just something overdone at the Giz. It's because of this that I used to visit the site daily, now it's more like weekly. I

Yes, it's a handwriting tool. Essentially, it's a notebook app (7notes) and a keyboard with handwriting recognition (mazec) in one package. The English version you want to check out is on the Play store at [goo.gl] . It's 99 cents, but I think it's well worth the cash when paired with a good stylus. I was a beta

It's not the cut that's patented, it's the process used to create the cut. That tells me something's not natural about this steak in some way or another. Especially since the even the Vegas Strip site refers to it as "fabrication." I just hope the nonsense patent world didn't just collide with the restaurant world