
@Papercutninja (tweets as: Frequentlywong): I would get permission. Doing something without permission is enough for them to deny it. If you ask, the worst they say is no and stay in the same position before you asked. If they approve it, then they don't have grounds to deny the deposit unless you botch the job.

I have to agree with some of the other comments. My copy of windows updates itself during the night automatically. Most of my programs also have update systems baked in. I can use FileHippo for most everything else. I do have an Ubuntu system, and the package manager runs grate, but between my Windows and Ubuntu

VOTE: Shrewsoft

@SFLegend: Things just went down hill after they stopped using beef tallow in the fries :)

I try to use my town's regional airport as much as possible simply because I can get from the front entrance to the gate in ten minutes or less. The security checks are quick since the airport is really small. However, it's not always the cheapest deal. I just saved about $600 booking a vacation through the major

@Oyabun: Wow, thanks for all the info. I'm going visit the vitacost site and check things out.

@Oyabun: I have to do the shots once a month. But now I'm curious about this Quercetin stuff. Do you allergies give you hives and eye problems? If so, did Quercetin help that too, or did it just help your nose? Thanks.

@Jmajor1111: Lol, I think you meant Netipot. Thanks though, I looked it up and I'm going to try it.

@shanebotwin: At least the blog authors seared the meat afterwards. The people on that show who seemed to rely on the sous vide process alone were the worst. I've never had a sous vide anything, but it seems to only work with a few types of meat that already come with strong flavors and a good texture. I imagine a

@thinkerer: Thank you for posting that!

@Nogard13: David Chang discussed that in his book Momofuku. Apparently when he was just starting out with his first restaurant, they did "Ghetto Sous Vide" where they used Ziploc bags. Apparently it works, but it's not too safe/sanitary—you have to be careful in your work to bacterial issues (See Thinkerer's

@battra92: From my experience, the comment about shoes relates more focused on social circles rather than a job, in general. If your job requires you to look rich, it could be another story.

@Buster Friendly: You wear it on Sunday Sunday Sunday at the Megadome, where you can see the truck that turns into a bigger truck and breaths fire.

If financial security also meant I had free time, I would do more pro bono work.

@kelly.molloy: No kidding, the marinade is not necessary. Do a home-spun dry age if you want to add some good flavor.

@zenpilgrim: Duh, because competition in software is bad, seeking public support is wrong, and the potential lack of a feature is horrible. There's no way the market could ever withstand a second browser—the free market will not know how to handle the choice. It will cause the iPhone to implode and die off as a

In law school, I used One Note for all my note taking and I wish I would have done this all through undergrad as well. I only used paper to draw charts and graphs and I would transfer that info to One Note right after class. It made outlining my classes snap and allowed me to focus on learning the material rather

@RoofCoffeeCup: Good call! I did this a few times after I caught Paula Dean recommending the practice. I actually forgot about how awesome the mayo made the sandwich.

@djheath: Are you talking about a panini/sandwich press or one of those dual sided griddles? If so, yeah, we have them over here.

@PinkSabbath: Very true. So far it's the best decision I've made in terms of diet.