
@Dom: I missed that article, but thanks for the tip... that's a great idea!

@Cordfucious v 2.0.1: First, I do not endorse any sort of Enron type practice or the overpaid CEO. Employees should not have to go crazy trying to make ends meet while a failing company's CEO gets millions. Second, I'm not a CEO or rich by any means so I hope you're not suggesting I have maids and mansion—it almost

@jkersh: What about all the parents who have to find sitters for their kids? I don't know where you live so it might not be a problem, but this is where the 4 day work week goes wrong for me. If that happened in my town a number of people would be in a problem situation.

@Greg P: I do credit checks, but never to determine salary.

It's not stable enough for Windows yet. MediaMonkey is my favorite for windows, but I'll switch as soon as Amarok is stable.

@turboke: That is a good point as well. It depends on what you want to buy, the local market for the type of car you want, and your investment/bank account activity. My point is to merely look at the numbers, especially if you are specific in the type of car you want. They could have paid $20k up-front on a used

New cars actually can be a better deal depending on the situation. If you have enough money to put down and can negotiate well you might see 1.9% or even no interest financing on a new car. That doesn't happen with used car. My parents cruised into retirement with a brand new geezer pleaser. $9k and some very

@unknownsoldierx: Agreed, reputable breeders and shelters are the way to go. Every time I'm in the mall, I cringe when I pass by the pet shop. It's awful and I feel sorry for all the animals involved. It's too bad most of those animals are horribly socialized.

Be careful with attic fans... they do have negative effects if you do not seal things properly or have appropriate attic ventilation. Here's a pdf covering the negatives. [www.dom.com] Note that this is a general doc about attic fans and not specifically pointed to whole house fans.

The first thing I did was use AdBlock Plus to filter the elements containing the top stories above the menu bar. Everything else seems fine to me.

I use WinSCP combined with PuTTY more these days, but FileZilla still holds a place in my heart and a folder in Program Files.

@JuryDuty: Agreed. I've been using Gyminee and lost 11 pounds and feel so much better since I started using the system. I have to say it beats the heck out of pen and paper or Google Docs since it does a lot of helpful analysis. It's really helped me build a healthy lifestyle with ease and I feel so much better for

George Costanza would be proud of this site.

@Pizza_Guy: Your dual flush toilets intrigue me. Please tell me more.

Regardless of whether this saves money or wastes energy, I like this post as it covers some plumbing basics. It's nothing complex at all, but knowing how to install a shut-off valve is a good skill that can move one towards other projects such as installing water filters and fixing a leaky faucet. Good work.

@drazaelb and @Brian: I second that, MyPhoneExplorer is great.

It's kind of helped me build a tighter budget and improve my nutrition/food quality. I've trimmed a lot of food costs and travel costs that were all unnecessary and actually have had enough surplus cash to invest and pay off student loans faster. I've also started making my own wine for cheap (and it's not bad), I

It's crashing on my Ubuntu box. I cannot wait for this thing to be "stable" so I can con the wife into letting me build a new living room computer to replace the Xbox. Student loans be damned! I want a new toy.

I am now a fan of the you suck at photoshop videos.

VOTE: Windows Desktop Search 4.0 in Vista